Page 96 - My Home on the Earth
P. 96
lock me in. He warned me not to repeat what he’d said that day in our lounge, otherwise, the Morris boys would come after me. But I didn’t hear most of what he’d said and the bits I did hear, I couldn’t understand.
‘It was much later when I began to put it into context. There were too many loose ends relating to the incident, and items belonging to Robin were never found by the police at the site. Jake had told them Robin had had a flat tyre due to a puncture; hence why he was late coming home on Saturday morning. The police brought his bike back and put it in our shed.
‘Weeks later, when I was washing my bike, I checked the tyres like Robin had showed me. I pumped up his flat tyre and it didn’t go down again. According to Jake, he went home alone that day because Robin had a puncture and couldn’t ride his bike. Jake lied to the police. Robin could have easily repaired it there and then with an instant bit of kit from his rucksack. I wrote about my doubts in letters to my grandma and from thereon, we cross-checked the negative and positive facts. In the end, she insisted that my mum contact the original police team. In reality, it was far more complicated, but after another investigation, more statements and an eye witness statement, they found Robin’s property hidden in the Coopers’ house at Sorrenbridge with lots of other stolen goods, ready to sell online.’
Cara and Olivia could hardly believe the story and hugged Elise until she struggled with embarrassment. ‘You were so brave,’ smiled Olivia.