Page 3 - RAVC Association Rules proof
P. 3
1 The Association Association shall be called the Royal Army Veterinary Corps Association Association OBJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION 2 a To foster esprit de corps amongst all serving and retired of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps b To organise an an Annual Reunion c c c To circulate information regarding the the the Corps to the the the members of the the the Association d To inform the the Committee of the the Royal Army Veterinary Corps Benevolent Fund of of any former member of of the the Corps their widows or or or orphan children who are in need
e e e e e e e e e e e e To ensure where possible a a a a respectable funeral for any member of the RAVC serving or retired MEMBERSHIP
3 Full Membership of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps Association shall be be open to:
a a All serving officers and soldiers of of the RAVC **
b All All All All personnel who at any time have served in the RAVC c All WRAC personnel who at any time served with the RAVC as Kennel
Maid or Rider/Groom **
All RAVC Regular and Reserve serving members members are full members members of the Association by virtue of their contribution to the the Days Pay Giving Scheme 4 Associate Membership Persons not eligible to full membership but who have have served with the the RAVC or have have an interest in in the the Association may be invited to apply for associate membership 5 An Associate member member shall shall pay the life membership subscription and shall shall also be be be entitled to to to vote at meetings and be be be eligible to to to be be be elected to to to Branch Committees 6 Application for Associate Membership shall be be submitted to the Regimental Secretary for consideration by the Committee of Management If approved the the the names of of the the the candidate will be presented at at the the the next Committee of of