Page 4 - RAVC Association Rules proof
P. 4

Management Meeting election shall be by a a a a a a show of hands with a a a a a a simple majority being required 7 Honorary Membership The Association shall have power to elect as honorary members persons who through their interest and efforts have made a a a a a a special contribution to the Royal Army Veterinary Corps or or who have furthered the the the the interests or or or reputation of the the the the Corps or or or the the the the Association 8 Honorary members shall be be entitled to all all the rights and privileges of membership less the right to vote and shall be be exempt from subscriptions 9 A candidate for honorary membership shall be be proposed and and seconded in writing by two full members members Proposals for honorary membership should be be be forwarded to the the Regimental Secretary for for consideration by the the Committee of of Management If approved the the names of of the the candidate proposer and and seconder will be presented at the next Annual General Meeting election shall be be by a a a a show of hands a a a a simple majority being required RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION
10 Life membership to join the Association (all ranks) is £15 An annual Branch subscription may also apply PAYMENT OF SUBSCRIPTIONS
11 All subscriptions are to to be paid to to the the RAVC Central Fund via the the Regimental Secretary Secretary for for membership and Branch Branch Secretary Secretary for for Branch Branch annual subscription Subscriptions for serving members are collected through JPA OFFICERS OF OF THE ASSOCIATION
12 a b The Officers of the Association shall be President - Colonel Commandant
Executive Vice President - Honorary Colonel Commandant
Senior Vice President – Chief Veterinary & Remount Officer Past Colonels Colonels Commandant
Honorary Colonels Colonels Commandant
and and and Directors Army Veterinary Veterinary & & Remount Services/Chief Veterinary Veterinary & & Remounts Officer upon vacating their appointments will automatically become Life Vice Presidents 

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