Page 9 - RAVC Association Rules proof
P. 9

29 Branch Branch meetings A General meeting meeting of a a a a a a a Branch Branch shall be held at least half-yearly One of these meetings shall be designated the the Branch Annual General Meeting At this meeting the Branch shall nominate a a a a a a representative to serve on the the Committee of of Management The name of of the the nominated representative shall be forwarded to the Regimental Secretary in accordance with the provisions of of Rule 13g A Special General Meeting of of a a a a a Branch may be be convened on on on receipt of a a requisition signed by 10 members stating the subject to to to be be be discussed At least 15 days notice is is to to to be be be given to to to members for a a a a a a a a Special General Meeting No business shall be transacted other than that for which the meeting is called GENERAL
30 Rules of the Association Each member shall be be provided with a a a a copy of the the Rules Rules on on joining and following their revision The Rules Rules will also be available on on line through the Association website 31 Amendments to to Rules Rules No alteration shall be made to to the Rules Rules except by the approval of of a a a a a a two-thirds majority of of those members present at an Annual General Meeting of of the the Association and then only if notice of of intention to to alter the Rule Rule or Rules concerned has been circulated to to all Branches of the the the Association and shall have appeared in in in the the the notice convening the the the meeting including the Association website 32 Honoraria An honoraria for clerical assistance as as considered appropriate by by the the Committee of Management may be paid by by the the Regimental Secretary and upon confirmation by the Annual General Meeting (Revised June 2019)

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