Page 8 - RAVC Association Rules proof
P. 8
20 Formation A Branch may be initiated on on the the authority of the the Committee of Management and confirmed at at the Annual General meeting Application to to form a a a a a a a Branch shall be be made to to the Regimental Secretary and should be be supported by not less than 10 members of the Association who are willing to become Branch members 21 Branch Branch Committee Committee A Branch Branch Committee Committee shall consist of a a a a President Vice President Hon Hon Secretary Hon Hon Treasurer and not less than 3 members 22 Election of Branch Branch Officers A Branch Branch Committee shall be elected at the the Annual General meeting of of of the the Branch All officers and members of of of a a a a a Branch Committee shall shall retire annually but shall shall be eligible to stand for re- election 23 Branch Branch Funds The funds of each Branch Branch are to to be paid into a a a a a a a Bank in in the the the name of the the the Branch and and operated by the the the President and and Hon Treasurer 24 Branch Branch Accounts The accounts of a a a a a a a Branch Branch shall be made up to and including 31st March annually and a a a a a a a copy forwarded to the Regimental Secretary of the the the Association by 30th April together with the the the annual report on on the the the Branch activities for consideration at at the the the May meeting of of the the the Committee of of Management 25 Audit of Branch Accounts The accounts shall be audited annually by 2 2 auditors appointed by a a a a a a Branch General Meeting A copy of the audit audit report is to to be forward to to the Regimental Secretary 26 Financial Assistance to Branches Branches Branches Branches will as as far as as possible be self-supporting In the event of any Branch requiring assistance application should be made to to the Committee of Management who are empowered to to make such grants as they may consider necessary and shall not normally exceed £100 per per Branch per per annum 27 Disposal of of Branch Branch Funds In the event of of a a a a a a Branch Branch disbanding or failing to to hold 2 consecutive AGMs the the balance of the the Branch funds shall revert to to the Association Central Fund 28 Hardship Branch Committees may provide prompt financial assistance in cases of of distress up to a a a limit of of £100 (one hundred pounds) A statement on on each case together with a a a a a a report of the the the action taken are to to to be sent to to to the the the Regimental Secretary who shall inform the the Trustees of the the RAVC Benevolent Fund accordingly so that the Branch may be reimbursed