Page 24 - 1RHA 2021
P. 24

1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
   crew of six. They sailed from Ullapool to Dunstaffnage, Scotland over a ten day period before handing over to another crew for the next leg of the journey to sail around Britain. At the end of July, the Regiment stood down for a well-earned four weeks summer leave.
Towards the end of summer leave, the troubles in Afghanistan were heavily reported by the media resulting in elements of the army being stood up to assist. O/HQ Battery had a part to play with LBdr Robertson and Gnr Clifford both deploying to the For- eign Office in London as part of Operation PITTING. Assisting the Foreign Office, LBdr Robertson and Gnr Clifford were both employed on a call desk where they were in contact with those who required urgent evacuation. They both had a very impor- tant and difficult role but helped many desperate Afghans get the safety they required.
September brought the biggest exercise of the year, Ex ARIES STORM. This exercise was 1 Artillery Brigade led and was designed to test the strike and logistic components from across the Brigade and was one of the largest deployments of Artillery in recent memory. For the soldiers of O/HQ this would see Bogues troop proving comms for the Regiment in the JFC and FDC, Mains troop ensuring all essentials such as rations are issued out, whilst also making sure all vehicles are in a good state to deploy. The Quartermaster Main and Technical departments deployed
The catering team preparing dinner for the troops
both A1 and A2 echelons, supported by Mains Troop. The cater- ing department also deployed in A2 echelon and cooked up a storm for the duration of the exercise much to the jealousy of the soldiers who remained on ration packs. All in all, a busy and demanding exercise, with everyone taking something away from it having operated on a scale unfamiliar to all.
Yet another extremely busy year for the Officers and Soldiers of the Battery, but all raring and ready for 2022.
 O/HQ Battery (The Rocket Troop)
 Lt Col Taylor RHA (CO) Maj Campbell RHA (QM) Maj King RAMC (RMO) Maj Prout RHA (BC)
Maj Richardson MBE RHA (2IC) Maj Worsley RHA (UWO) Capt Bulmer RHA (RCMO) Capt Clarke RHA (OPSO) Capt Dallolio RHA (QM(T)) Capt Davis AGC (SPS) (RAO) Flt Lt Denny
Capt Dodd RHA
Capt Evans RHA (RSO) Capt Moriarty CF (Padre) Capt Mountford RHA (Adjt) Capt Peck RHA
Capt Philip RHA (RTO) Lt Carter RHA
Lt Gaughan RHA
WO1 Matthews (RSM) WO2 Blyth (OPSWO) WO2 Everitt (BSM)
WO2 Faulkner (RQMS(T)) WO2 Hilton-Huish (RQMS) WO2 Keast (UWWO) WO2 McDonnell (MTWO) WO2 Middleton (RCWO) WO2 Rees (CISWO) SSgt Baxter
SSgt Campbell
SSgt Charlton
SSgt Coleman
SSgt Collins
SSgt Downs
SSgt Hemingfield
SSgt Kemp SSgt Markham SSgt Morgan SSgt Rana SSgt Robinson Sgt Brown
Sgt Coulson Sgt Curtis
Sgt Davis
Sgt Gurung Sgt Gurung Sgt Johnson Sgt Joseph
Sgt Moore
Sgt O’Connor Sgt Ogunnusi Sgt Rantija Pun Sgt Robson Sgt Rose
Sgt Stickland Sgt Stone
Sgt Wall
Sgt Wharfe
Cpl Baines
Bdr Dainty
Bdr Diggin
Bdr Frayne
Bdr Gasan
Bdr Glen
Cpl Gurung Bdr Hardy
Bdr Harris
Bdr Kirk
Bdr McTaggart Bdr O’Keefe
Cpl Raines
Cpl Rana
Cpl Shorter
Cpl Thapa
Bdr Turner
Bdr Watts
LCpl Alexander
LBdr Barnes
LBdr Bickerton-Green LCpl Charles
LBdr Clark LCpl Faulkner LCpl Glynn LBdr Hanks LBdr Jackson LBdr Juma LBdr Mowlem LBdr Muelchi LBdr Pullinger LBdr Robertson LCpl Rogers LCpl Sevier LBdr Tennent LBdr Ward
Gnr Clifford Gnr Clowes Gnr Cooper SAC Davis
Gnr Evans
Gnr Finau
Pte Forrester Gnr Gregory Gnr Gurley
Gnr Heal
Gnr Hodnett
Gnr Kasowaqa Pte McMorrow Pte Mulpeter Gnr Naresia Gnr Parker
Pte Rai
Gnr Sesi
Gnr Shailemo
Gnr Stoner
Pte Tawaketolu
Gnr Thompson
Gnr Tung
Gnr Vakaceguenayabakivou Gnr Watson
Posted in:
Lt Col Taylor Maj Richardson Maj King
Maj Worsley Capt Bulmer Capt Clarke Capt Davis
Flt Lt Denny Capt Dodd
Capt Evans Capt Moriarty Capt Mountford Lt Carter
Lt Gaughan WO1 Matthews WO2 McDonnell WO2 Middleton WO2 Rees
SSgt Kemp
Bdr Frayne Cpl Salter LCpl Faulkner
Posted out:
Capt Clarke RHA Capt Frew RHA
Capt Jameson RHA Capt Hughes RHA Capt Landers RHA Flt Lt Long RHA Capt Thompson RHA Capt Wolf RHA
WO1 Evans WO2 Bowers WO2 Trott WO2 Rawle SSgt Dean SSgt Herridge SSgt McSkelly Sgt Smith
Sgt Sparks
Bdr Warboys LBdr Hodson Sgt Gurung 334 Gnr Humphreys
Capt A Davis a son, Oliver
Sgt D Davis a son, Lucas

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