Page 23 - 1RHA 2021
P. 23

1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
    Bdr McTaggart assuming the Duties of skipper on Ex DRAGON MAGELLAN
returned from a six-month tour of Afghanistan under Operation TORAL. LBdr Tennent deployed as a female guardian angel with 2 Scots as they provided force protection for the British Army mentors and other nations stationed in Kabul. Secondly, LBdr Muelchi returned after a nine-month tour in Estonia as part of Operation CABRIT. LBdr Muelchi deployed with The Chestnut Troop within the Motor Transport (MT) department.
Ex TALLINN DAWN, located in Sennelager, Germany is a confir- mation exercise that gives the exercising Battle Group the author- ity to deploy as a fully functioning Battle Group on operations. The Bde JFC deployed on Ex TALLINN DAWN to provide the Brigade Headquarters wrap to exercising troops. Unfortunately, Germany was under strict restrictions during the deployment, so the crew were unable to sample the delights of Sennelager and Paderborn and enjoy a stein or two.
Another year, another Regimental exercise, Ex CYPHER SHARPEN was the first opportunity of 2021 for the Regiment to deploy out together. With restrictions easing and Op RESCRIPT tasks dwin- dling, 1 RHA could start to focus on training for warfighting and providing Offensive Support wherever it is required. Ex CYPHER SHARPEN took place in June and saw the Regiment deploy onto Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA). The exercise was broken down into three weeks, the first week involved the Proving and
Bdr Dainton representing the Harlequins v Darlinngton with an outstanding 103-0 win
LBdr Tennant on Op TORAL, Afghanistan
Adjustment of Communications Exercise (PACEX) and was led by the SMS and WO CIS with the help of Bogues troop who have vast expertise in this field. The PACEX began with the lining up all vehicles on the gun park and then progressively building up the network for all communications equipment. Newly promoted Bdr Diggin, really stepped up and demonstrated his knowledge of this process by not only fixing issues in the Battery but also assist- ing the wider Regiment. Week two saw the Battery deploy and conduct low level Battle Craft Syllabus (BCS). This was the first time some of the Battery had seen and deployed on armoured vehicles and presented a great opportunity to develop core sol- diering skills. In the final week of Ex CYPHER SHARPEN, O/ HQ Battery conducted a Military Annual Training Tests (MATTs) week and completed weapon handling tests, Chemical Biologi- cal Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) training and tests, navigation exercises and operational law training and tests. The Battery was even treated to a battery smoker cooked by our own outstand- ing catering department, whilst enjoying the European semi-final football game on the big screen out in the field.
It is not always hard work, occasionally there are opportunities to relax as demonstrated by Bdr McTaggart as he grasped one of these opportunities in July and secured a place on a sailing expe- dition. Ex DRAGON MEGELLAN saw Bdr McTaggart become a crew member of the Saint Barbara V sailing yacht as part of a
Bdr Hardy and LBdr Jackson training for the Royal Artillery polo team

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