Page 21 - 1RHA 2021
P. 21
1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
O/HQ Battery
(The Rocket Troop) Sergeant Wall, O/HQ Battery
2021 has been a year of unprecedented uncertainty for the whole country and beyond. However, the members of O/ HQ Battery have thrived and excelled at every task asked of
them. The pace of work never fades, and it has been the will and professionalism of O/HQ Battery which has enabled the soldiers of the Battery to achieve all they have over the past year.
To kick off the jam-packed year we take it back to October 2020, when soldiers of the Battery deployed as the Brigade Joint Fires Cell (Bde JFC), JFC step up and the Fire Direction Centre (FDC) in support of 20th Armoured Infantry Brigade on Ex CERBERUS, one of the most challenging exercises of the year. A 3 (UK) Divi- sion lead exercise where the Brigade Head Quarters are exten- sively tested and validated in order to be ready to deploy on oper- ations around the world. If Ex CERBERUS was not demanding enough, the extremely poor weather made this task even more difficult. Nevertheless, the deployed soldiers of O/HQ Battery worked tirelessly and achieved the pass required.
On return from Ex CERBERUS, O/HQ Battery had a matter of days to turn around kit and equipment ready to deploy on Ex CYPHER DAGGER; the Regimental annual exercise. O/HQ Bat- tery played a vital role in this exercise and without the hard work of all the soldiers employed within O/HQ Battery, Ex CYPHER DAGGER simply could not go ahead. From the communications plan masterminded by the WOCIS and SMS to the complex logistics delivered by the QM departments and Mains Troop, all essential factors to enable the Regiment to deploy and conduct vital training.
On the return from Ex CYPHER DAGGER the soldiers of O/HQ embarked on a well deserved Christmas leave to rest and recu- perate, ready to hit the ground running in the new year. Due to the deteriorating pandemic conditions, the Government requested the assistance of extra military personnel for Op RESCRIPT. This resulted in 1 RHA being held at readiness over the new year and
BC Maj Prout promoting Bdr Hardy
left soldiers of O/HQ Battery eager for orders, so they could make a difference and assist the UK population.
1 RHA’s mission during this time was to support the Department for Education in South West England. Initial tasks came in the form of Local Response Teams (LRT) with each LRT consisting of four soldiers who were to become subject matter experts on the set up and running of a school COVID-19 testing sites. Once trained, the LRT could be deployed to any school in the South West of England who requested assistance and over the months of January and February, soldiers of O/HQ Battery deployed to numerous schools. Due to staff members of schools having lit- tle or no experience in setting up or running testing facilities, all LRT’s were welcomed with open arms by staff who were keen to absorb the knowledge the LRTs had to offer. The professionalism and success of the O/HQ LRTs was recognised by Commander Joint Military Command South West, Colonel N Holmes MBE, who awarded SSgt Campbell and Sgt Curtis Commendations for their outstanding efforts supporting COVID-19 testing in schools. During this time, there was a great deal of behind the scenes logistics that enabled not only the Battery, but the whole regi- ment to deploy on various taskings. O/HQ departments worked tirelessly throughout Op RESCRIPT to ensure all personnel had the correct kit and equipment to efficiently conduct their duties, while also having to COVID test all deploying members of the Regiment.
Additional Op RESCRIPT taskings included the deployment of two of O/HQ’s medical team, Sgt Davis and LCpl Glynn to the Midlands in support of the hugely successful vaccination roll out. They worked in a combination of pop up vaccine centres and care homes where they vaccinated the elderly and most vulner- able within the population.
The Battery was clearly extremely busy during Op RESCRIPT, however this did not mean the normal day to day life and soldier-
(From left to right) newly promoted LBdr Jackson, Bdr McTaggart, Sgt Lund and LBdr Hanks