Page 22 - 1RHA 2021
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ing tasks ceased. In February members of the Battery deployed on Ex IRON DRAGON, this saw Bogues Troop deploy crews from the Bde JFC and FDC to Westdown camp in support of 3 (UK) Division, to train the Joint Air Ground Integration Centre (JAGIC). Ex IRON DRAGON is designed to put the JAGIC through their paces to ensure they are current and competent prior to their deployment on Ex WARFIGHTER. Not only did the Bde JFC and FDC deploy but also members of Mains Troop conducted the essential Real Life Support (RLS) duties throughout the exer- cise, ensuring the exercise could function whilst enforcing Force Health Protection Measures, feeding the exercise personnel and leading with accommodation and facilities management.
Gnr Jackson and LBdr Diggin on Ex CERBERUS
Through the months of February and March, the Regiment conducted the new Army Leadership Development Program (ALDP) for Potential future leaders in Okehampton, Devon with several soldiers from the Battery selected to attend. The Gun- ners and Lance Bombardiers were both mentally and physically challenged whilst gaining the additional experience required to become the future leaders of the Army. All O/HQ Battery mem- bers who attended the course passed, making all eligible to pro- mote which they subsequently did. Congratulations to them all.
In April, O/HQ Battery had the pleasure of welcoming home two members from overseas deployments. Firstly, LBdr Tennent
Sgt Curtis and SSgt Campbell recieving their Commendations for efforts in fight against COVID-19 by Colonel N Homes MBE
1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
   CO’s Tac deployed on Ex CERBERUS

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