Page 20 - 1RHA 2021
P. 20

 1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
   E Battery
Maj Blakiston RHA (BC) Capt Davey RHA (BK) Capt Hislop RHA
Capt James RHA
Capt Lund-Morgan RHA Lt Allison RHA
Lt Miles RHA
Lt Pretorius RHA
WO2 Graham
WO2 Thomson (BSM) SSgt Curran
SSgt Fulton
SSgt Porter
SSgt Warwick
Sgt Adade
Sgt Crown
Sgt Daniel
Sgt Hughes
Sgt Jacques
Sgt Grant
Sgt Tovagone
Cpl Sharpe
Bdr Baker
Bdr Bryant
Bdr Daffurn
Bdr Davidson
Bdr Francis
Bdr Kelshaw
Bdr King
Bdr Milligan
Bdr Saunders
Bdr Stewart
Bdr Taylor
LBdr Badmin
LBdr Bird
LBdr Carden
LBdr David
LBdr Edwards
LBdr Evans
LBdr Gallimore
LBdr Green
LBdr Harvey
LBdr Kalis
LBdr Lord
LBdr Muir
LBdr Nicklin
LBdr Nyamekye
LBdr Rooney
LBdr Rowe
LBdr Shinton
LBdr Shinton
LBdr Sims
LBdr Thomas
LBdr Walton
LBdr Waqaitukana LBdr Yates
Pte Gurung
Gnr Adu
Gnr Antwi
Gnr Banks
Gnr Blackler
Gnr Brew
Gnr Buckle
Gnr Colmer
Gnr Coull
Gnr Dango
Gne Desmond-Hurst Gnr Dube
Gnr Emery
Gnr Goodman Gnr Gothorp Gnr Greenan Gnr Hamilton Gnr Henry
Gnr Holmes Gnr Kwarteng Gnr Ligabalavu Gnr Moroca Gnr Naialu
Gnr Osore
Gnr Phillips Gnr Phillips Gnr Porter
Gnr Rakita
Gnr Roberts Gnr Rokovutoro Gnr Rutter
Gnr Sadler
Gnr Tabulutu Gnr Tawaketolu Gnr Taylor
Gnr Thottam Gnr Turner
Gnr Wilson
Posted out:
Lt Jefferson RHA SSgt West
Sgt Foster
Sgt Yates
Sgt Adamson Sgt McConnon Bdr Andrews Bdr Bradshaw Bdr Brown
Bdr Williams Bdr Smith
Posted in:
Capt Hislop Capt James WO2 Graham SSgt Curran SSgt Porter Sgt Adade Sgt Daniel Sgt Ellenor Cpl Sharpe Bdr Baker Bdr Bryant Bdr Daffurn Bdr King
Bdr Milligan Bdr Saunders
Bdr Taylor
LBdr Kalis
LBdr Lord
Gnr Adu
Gnr Antwi
Gnr Blackler Gnr Brew
Gnr Colmer Gnr Dango
Gnr Dube
Gnr Emery
Gnr Gothorp Gnr Greenan Gnr Henry
Gnr Holmes Gnr Kwarteng Gnr Moroca Gnr Phillips 437 Gnr Phillips 682 Gnr Porter
Gnr Roberts Gnr Rutter Gnr Taylor Gnr Thottam
WO2 McNulty Bdr Montenegro Bdr Roper
LBdr Nightingale Gnr Woodhouse
Bdr Smith and Savannah cel- ebrated the birth of their daugh- ter, Lyrah.
Bdr Stewart and Shonaegh cel- ebrated the birth of their son, Keir.
LBdr Sims and Chantelle cel- ebrated the birth of their son, Reggie.
LBdr Harvey and Karly, cel- ebrated the birth of their son, Hudson.
embers of E Battery laid Bdr Askew to rest on 18 August 21. Having served on operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, Bombardier Nadine Askew was
a highly capable, respected and much-loved member of the Battery and Regiment. She was an outstanding sol- dier and a loyal friend to many. She is, and will continue to be, sorely missed by us all. Her legacy lives on through those members of the Battery who were privileged to benefit from her leadership, training, and mentoring.
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