Page 45 - Chiron Calling Autum 2021/Spring 2022
P. 45
Canine Training Squadron – New SHQ and Classrooms
by SSgt Joe Jones SQMS CTS
In February 2021 I became the military liaison between many stakeholders in what some
would say is an end of an era but others would say the start of a
new chapter, at the DATR, Canine Training Squadron (CTS) a new Squadron HQ, Classrooms and a covered training area started to get built.
The aim of the new build was
to provide the Canine Training Section (CTS) at the DATR with a sustainably affordable building. It provides a flexible accommodation including offices and classrooms facilities and a cover training area for inclement weather, which we know Melton has its own weather system.
The project is being delivered by Amey Defence Services (ADS) on behalf of Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO). The main build contractor is Woodhead Group
they will deliver the construction of the building. The Design commenced in 2019 by CBP Architects, contracted by ADS.
A key aim was to meet Defence Related Environmental Assessment Methodology (DREAM) Excellent and be sufficient enough to be a Net Carbon Zero facility.
The final design of the building will be derived follow close liaison throughout the design process with the DATR, end user (CTS) and DIO.
This new building design was to meet a Net Carbon Zero objectives
includes various sustainability innovation. Cost-saving and ecological features includes six rows of solar array panels and a battery storage facility that will generate the building’s own electricity needs and has been designed to have the potential to supply further buildings within the site. Intelligent heating controls will warm the facility using air source heat pumps.
The renewable energy technology also include a heat recovery system in the plant room and network room, which produce a huge amount of heat. This heat will be drawn out of these rooms via a ventilation duct and then filtered before being ducted to heat offices and classrooms facilities within the building.
A rainwater recycling system
will collect, save and reuse water
to meet the various sanitary and non-drinking requirements, the
aim is to reduce as far as possible the use of the mains water supply. Rainwater will also be used for the soldiers’ boot cleaning facilities. The design also includes bike racks to encourage staff to cycle to work.
The general construction also includes more general sustainable practices including modern
insulation, which will be used in the walls and roof and ‘air-lock’ doors will also prevent heat from escaping, ensuring the building is airtight.
To reduce waste during construction, arising’s from the
site reductions works have been reused to create a bunded boundary to a training area on site. Working with the local collage they will
be assisting in the spreading wildflowers providing an ecological haven for wildlife and a diverse area in which to train the Military Working Dogs.
Woodhead Group has procured materials within a 40-mile radius
of the construction site, which will also help the local business out. The completion of the build is due the end of February 2022 after a long 12 months.
Overall, the build is 96% self sufficient and one of a kind to be built in the MOD, this will also bring a great learning environment for
all the courses which will be run for many years to come. The building consists of 3 new classrooms, indoor training area, large open plan office, showers, locker-room and a large new G4 Store which will hold all the equipment in one place.
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