Page 41 - The Chapka 2017
P. 41

 2017 has been an extremely busy and demanding year for The Royal Lancers’ Catering Department. A number of its members have left the Regiment and moved onto pastures new. Sergeant Gillespie departed on promotion to the Royal Dragoon Guards. We said farewell to Privates Mitchell and Levy who have both left the Army and we also said farewell to Corporals Fewell and Duncan, and Lance Corporal Atkin on posting. The department welcomed Corporal Sahai and Private Lang, and look forward to the arrival of Corporal Tress in early 2018.
During the year, there have been numerous Regimental and Brigade functions, including the Regimental Sergeant Major’s Dine in/Dine out and all Mess’ Christmas Balls. Of note, was the opportunity for Staff Sergeant Smith and Corporal Magson to showcase their abilities, on numerous occasions, in Damesmead house in York for the General Officer Commanding 1st (United Kingdom) Division. Corporal Magson and Fewell also deliv- ered a high-end function at the Deputy Commander’s house of 4th Infantry Brigade.
It has been a busy year in the field this year. Lance Corporal Arckless was trawled to deploy to BATUS in support of Battle- groups who did not have their exercises cancelled! For troop training on Salisbury Plain, Sergeant Elliott had the unenviable task of deploying to West Down Camp in the role of contract monitoring, where he ensured that all needs of the Regiment were met for the duration of the exercise and those of the share- holders for another defence contractor. After troop training, the department deployed on The Royal Lancers’ ‘CSTTX’ – a simu- lation exercise in Warminster – where they set up the Operation- al Field Catering System (OFCS) in order to feed the majority of the Regiment and attached personnel for the three weeks whilst deployed. This was a demanding exercise, but high spirits were maintained.
With the loss of BATUS the department deployed to Otterburn in September for Exercise NORTHERN LANCER. The OFCS was broken out of the store again and showcased the abilities of those deployed. Less said about Staff Sergeant Smith’s Chicken and Chorizo Pasta the better...
Not content with one stint of contract monitoring, Sergeant El- liott deployed yet again on Exercise LIGHTNING ACE. This time, however, he had moral support from Corporal Fewell and Lance Corporal Arckless who all deployed to West Down Camp to provide support to an extremely busy exercise – well over 1000 soldiers were fed daily in the pre-deployment phase. In and amongst this Sergeant Elliott and Lance Corporal Arckless also supported the Army Battelfied Study.
This past year the department has had an exceptional pass rate on all courses that its members have undertaken. Staff Sergeant Smith has completed the Unit Catering Manager’s course with
The Garrison's Christmas Cake Competition
all the departments’ personnel completing their Command, Leadership and Management training, along with a host of other trade and career courses. The National Vocation Qualification initiative continues to appear attractive with most of the junior ranks completing the Teaching and Education course.
Outside of Regimental commitments and personal develop- ment, the department has contributed to a number of tri-service and Corp competitions. In Exercise JOINT CATERER, Corpo- ral Magson and Lance Corporal Arckless gained a vast amount of experience. Corporal Magson entered into the Senior Grand Prix and put on a good show, receiving a bronze medal for his ef- forts. Lance Corporal Arckless entered into the Open Cook and Serve category where the scenario was to produce a three-course meal as part of a team within one hour 40 minutes. Lance Cor- poral Arckless pulled it out of the bag and also came away with another bronze medal.
Corporal Magson and Lance Corporals Atkin and White entered a team into Exercise ARMY SUSTAINER. This event is fiercely competitive with around 20 teams entering. Corporal Magson led an organised and creative team, and produced a solid display on this event, coming 3rd overall.
If that was not enough, the Divisional Easter Egg Competition loomed. Private Allan entered into the competition, which con- sists of making and decorating an edible Easter egg. Showing his early promise in the confectionary area, he came away with Jun- ior Best in Class. And, before you know it, we were back round to decorating Christmas cakes for the garrison show-down. The event, organiesd by our very own Staff Sergeant Smith, show- cased some truly amazing cakes from local units. Sergeant ‘Ki- pling’ Elliott coached the team but, sadly, the cakes that entered narrowly missed out to some other exceptional entries.
Finally, Corporal Sahai and his wife welcomed their son, John Junior, into the world this year. We wish them luck and happiness.
All in all, it has been an exceptionally busy and a demanding year for the catering department, but looking back we have all enjoyed it and had some incredible achievements. Here’s look- ing forward to 2018.
   (Above) Exercise ARMY SUSTAINER – the reason Carillion went under

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