Page 43 - The Chapka 2017
P. 43
With a high tempo year at Regimental Duty, the 2017 commit- tee have been kept very busy. We have, however, still found time to enjoy Mess life with some fantastic events and functions.
At the start of the year, the former Regimental Sergeant Major handed over the reign of presiding member to start a new chap- ter in the Officers Mess. With a new face came refreshed inter- est in the Corporals’ Mess, with which was brought a wealth of knowledge and experience. On promotion to Sergeant, ‘I’m the Commanding Officer around here’ Ellerby moved up the road to the Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess, so it was time for new blood to take control of the mess. Corporal Marsden (President of the Mess Committee), with Corporal Marshall (President of the Entertainments Committee) by his side, started to look at the year ahead and the planning begun.
In early summer the Mess was invited to the Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess for a heart racing games night. Upon ar- rival, the Corporals’ Mess received a hefty ambush from the seniors. We had to enter the Mess through an action packed assault course. Corporal ‘ginger moustache’ Bagguley just made it through. Out of breath, he was greeted at the end with an ice cold pint from his Squadron Sergeant Major. This sparked an immediate discussion within the Corporals’ Mess and pay-back was planned. After their pride was already dented, the Corpo- rals’ Mess took another defeat on the games’ night itself (just to rub salt into the wound) and returned back down the road. Despite this, they held their heads held high and looked back on an enjoyable evening with the old men of the Regiment.
The summer function saw the Mess turned into a Tropical Ha- waiian beach with most male Mess members trying to mimic the ‘Connor McGregor’ short-sleeve-shirt look. Lance Corporal Tatam gave a valiant effort, but should really work on his pen- cil arms next time! An enjoyable evening was had by all and a massive thank-you goes to Corporal ‘moans a lot’ Foster and Corporal ‘two-dads’ Caton-Hewings for making it an unforget- table evening, even if they did spend all the Mess’ money on fireworks.
October saw judgment day come as the Corporals’ Mess hosted the Seniors’ for another games night; revenge would be sweet. The entrance was like a scene out of Total Wipe Out. The Sen- iors battled it out to gain admission and eventually they made it through, only after the Regimental Sergeant Major gallantly returned to the battle ground to rescue one of his Squadron Ser- geant Majors from the carnage. Despite early revenge, wisdom from the old men shone through and the Corporals suffered an- other defeat at the hands of the games’ tables.
December saw the Mess committee rushing around to organ- ize the mess into a winter wonderland for the Christmas ball. This saw the Fondouk rooms take a face-lift with tinsel, white sheets and plenty of white-line paint. With everyone dressed to impress the night was a great success. Of course, it would not be a Christmas Ball without Corporal ‘I should check my BMI’ Poole and Corporal ‘to cool for school’ Kennett’s synchronised dancing routine to finish off the evening.
The Corporals’ Mess