Page 42 - The Chapka 2017
P. 42
A Squadron on another tactics brief Happy Christmas!
The Welfare Office
The Royal Lancers’ Welfare Office has had a good year. Over the last 12 months we have been busy supporting the Regi- ment whilst it deployed on Exercise NORTHERN LANCER and LIGHTNING ACE. The Regimental Welfare Facility, Pen- nons, is now in its first full year and is ticking over nicely since its revamp. We are busy ordering new stock for the PRI with new branded kit and casual wear to promote The Royal Lancers and keep you looking smart!
Pennons is a fully functional coffee shop which is a great facil- ity for the Regiment. It is the focal point for coffee mornings with families on a Wednesday and Friday each week and a movie night for the little ones is held monthly. There are some new ad- ditions to our facility including a pool-table, football-table and a dart-board, all paid for by the Welfare Fund.
During the course of the year the Welfare Team have put on many events. The first event was the annual Easter Egg Hunt around Foxglove Covert. The trail was the longest it has been for a few years. Families finished the hunt with an Easter basket competi- tion and a picnic in the Visitors’ Centre. The next event was the families’ movie night hosted in Pennons. This was a popular debut and has now become a monthly occurrence with snacks
The Easter Bunny comes to Foxglove Covert
and popcorn being served. Halloween followed with children attending a fancy dress party in Pennons and then ‘trick or treat- ing’ around camp. First stop was visiting Regimental Headquar- ters and then Headquarters Squadron (ready to be scared by all the Late Entry Officers) and the Motor Transport department. Major Prideaux concluded the evening by judging the pump- kin carving. The last event in the calendar for 2017 was the Christmas Movie Night. Children watched the Polar Express and, Santa and his assistant elf (Lance Corporal Brough-Jones and Trooper Neville) gave children polar express bells and gifts.
The Welfare Team would like to say thank you and farewell to Lance Corporal Jacques who has now moved on to D Squadron. We wish him the best of luck. We would like to welcome in to the fold Lance Corporal (now Corporal) Rickwood who replaces him as our Welfare JNCO. ‘AJ’ has become a vital member of our team ensuring the smooth running of Pennons. Mrs Karen Winnett is still in post after an impressive 11 years and is a font of knowledge for the team. From everyone in the Welfare Office, we wish all soldiers and families of The Royal Lancers the best for the year ahead.
The Second-in-Command wins the prize for the best Pumpkin, much to the dissapointment of all the children