Page 44 - The Chapka 2017
P. 44

  The year began for the Officers’ Mess with a trip to Sandown Park to see Captain Kellard reshow riding in the Grand Military Gold Cup. A bus full of tweed clad officers with pock- ets full of cash made its way down the M1 to Esher, stopping only to test Major Greig’s proclamation of strong feelings for doughnuts. With Kellard riding an odds on favourite in the first race, everyone piled their hard earned cash onto the pair, only for them to finish last by several furlongs. Hesitantly, we tried to make back some of our losses on Kellard and ‘Renard’ in the Grand Military later in the afternoon. As the pair came past the winning post in second place, wild celebrations ensued on the balcony of the Royal Lancer box as everyone’s each-way bets came off. We look forward to this year’s run.
In an effort to broaden the Officers horizons, a series of lectures took place throughout the year. This year the Mess was particu- larly fortunate to be visited by military historian, Sir Hew Stra- chan. Sir Hew has advised at Ministerial and 4-star level on a broad range of security matters, and he shared his thoughts on current and future issues facing the British Army in the context
of the current strategic climate. It was an incredible insight and those who failed to strap themselves in as we left the start-gate struggled to keep up as we cantered through Brexit, campaign- ing in Afghanistan and Iraq, the resurgence of Russia and the rise of China.
With many different Regiments copying our theme of ‘Dia de los Muertos’ for the Officers’ Mess summer ball, Messers Clarkson and Henson set about ensuring our party put the rest to shame. As Henson’s invitation prose predicted; elegant and skeletal was the name of the game, no two people looked the same. Face paint and feathers were resplendent on all, Margaritas and Caip- irinhas were poured on call. A large skull alter with fire in its eyes greeted the guests and a raucous night was enjoyed by all (in line with the Army drinking policy with lots of removable paint, of course).
The Mess continues to host and engage with the local popu- lation. The Bedale Hunt were once again kind enough to in- vite a table of Lancers to their annual ball. Following a widely
The brotherhood in all its glory
The Officers’ Mess
  Stew White Date Night
The Troop Leaders host their own ‘Loya Jirga’

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