Page 18 - Thrapston Life A5 May 2022
P. 18
Following budget meetings it was agreed that the Town Council would request a precept for the 2022-23 financial year
in the sum of £409,928.00 – an increase equating to 2.6% on Band D equivalent properties across Thrapston.
Oppposite is the breakdown of the proposed annual expenditure.
When calculating the budget the Council considers income (from Plaza bookings, rental income, grass cutting grant, bank interest and cemetery fees) of approximately £16,500 and money held under S106 reserves for grounds maintenance in the sum of £16,446.
For details of each category please see the table below. A breakdown of the annual budget can be found on the Town Council’s website:
If you have any comments or questions about the Town Council’s precept and/or budget please contact the Town Clerk.
What it includes (this is not a full list – for full details visit our website)
Office Staff, Audit Fees, Valuations/Surveys, Legal Fees, Dog Bags, Dog Bin Emptying, Equipment, IT Systems & Microsoft 365, Licenses, Thrapston Life Delivery, Payroll Provider, Photocopier, Subscriptions, Training/Conferences, Venue Hire
Maintenance Staff, CCTV, Fire Alarms & Safety Inspections, Tree Works/Surveys, Verge Cutting, Open Spaces, Play Areas, Street Lights, Tools & Consumables, Groundsman’s Contract, Street Signs/Furniture
Plaza Staff, Plaza Expenditure, Public Toilets Expenditure, Cemetery Expenditure
Community Groups can apply to the Council for a Grant
Gas, Electric, Water, Business Rates, Phone/Broadband relating to the Town Council Office & Street Lighting
A sum set aside each year for the Chairman’s Civic Service and to enable the Chairman to represent Thrapston at other mayoral events
Events Staff, Community Events (Christmas Festival, Fireworks, Litter Picks, Party in the Park, Remembrance), Community Engagement, Business Engagement
Forward planning - sums set aside each year for expenditure which will be incurred at a later date (e.g. Windsor Drive Play Area: £2,500 set aside each year for 20 years to cover cost of replacement)
Chairman’s Fund