Page 20 - Thrapston Life A5 May 2022
P. 20

a fun day out for every age
   The first Charter Fair was back in 1991. In 31 years, the fair has only been cancelled twice, in 1998 due to flooding and again in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This year the fair is on Saturday 25th June – a date for your diary!
Whose idea was it? Local residents Liz Treacy, Guinette Davies and Glyn James.
Tell us more... The first Charter
Fair in 1991 was put together on a
shoestring as there was absolutely no
funding. The closure of the High Street
was facilitated by the opening of the
A14 as it meant that the traffic through
the town was greatly reduced. The actor
Neil Morrisey opened the first fair, but
they couldn’t advertise it as he was only
going to come if he didn’t get a better
offer! Even back in 1991 the fair was
very well supported by businesses and the local community. We believe there was some sort of Charter celebration held in the town prior to the Charter Fair and it was held to coincide with St. James Day on 25th July. It is now held on the last Saturday of June (apart from 2021 when it
was held in September due to the pandemic). Who is on the committee now? Lindsey Burch (Chairman), Karen Warman (Deputy
Chairman), Nicola Pratt (Secretary),
Margaret Baughn (Treasurer), June Davy (Entertainment), Donna Thomas (Publicity), Laura Patey-Smith (Classic Cars), Steve Caswell
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(Raffle) and Ashley Chapman.
How do you come up with the themes? Historically, it has been the committee who would come up with the themes. Last year we did a short survey after the fair and asked what people would like to see. The Circus theme was a popular choice!
When do you start planning for the fair? To be honest, we don’t stop! We have a clean-up meeting after the fair
and we start discussing ideas for the next year and then the planning starts all over again!
How is the fair funded? The funding comes from various sources. Local businesses sponsor fair rides or donate items such as flags, banners and prizes. We apply for some grants, we have

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