Page 26 - Thrapston Life A5 May 2022
P. 26

                                QUESTION & ANSWER
  Thrapston U3A club is a great way to meet new people, make friends and have fun. Angela Gyves tells us more about the club, its 10th birthday and how you can get involved.
How long has the club been established?
physical activity groups such as cycling, Tia Chi and Nordic Walking – creative skills groups such as ‘makin’ music, cake and bake and flower arranging – mental stimulation groups including bridge, creative writing and
   U3A was established as a National organisation 40 years ago. Thrapston and District U3A was formed in May 2012 making it 10 years old this year. Keep posted for our celebrations!
What age do you have to be to join the club? Qualification to join is not age related. The only requirement is that you are not in full time employment.
What sort of things do you do?
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French, plus a wellbeing group. In fact something for everyone!
How much is annual membership?
Membership is £18 a year, which includes affiliation to the national organisation and a subscription to
the ‘Third Age Matters’ magazine. In addition there is a £1 fee at each of our ten monthly meetings.
Non members can attend these meetings as ‘visitors’ for a fee of £3.
 We have a monthly meeting for all
members with interesting speakers and a chance to make new friends over coffee and biscuits.
We have 29 interest groups ranging from
When and where do you meet? Our monthly meeting is held on third Friday of every month at The Plaza in Thrapston from 10am to 12
U3A is 10 years old

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