Page 23 - Thrapston Life May 2024
P. 23

  Thrapston and Raunds Rotary News
The Rotary Club continues to be active by supporting charitable activities and events locally and further afield. Some
of you may have been to the recent Thrapston Town Band Concert and we hope that you enjoyed not only the great music but also the fact that you were helping us raise money for the causes and charities that we support.
A good example of one way that the money we raise this year will be used is “Kids Out”. Every non pandemic year, Rotary Clubs from a wide area organise “Kids Out” at Wicksteed Park. Our club is supporting the event this year by sponsoring participation by some Thrapston Primary School pupils.
“Kids Out” is a national event on June 12th when participating Rotary clubs enable disadvantaged children to have
a great day out at more than 100 venues across the UK. Thrapston Primary School will choose the participants we sponsor and will organise appropriate supervision. In 2019, the last year before the pandemic, more than 30,000 children from across the UK participated in National Rotary “Kids Out”.
April represented the start of this season’s Sailability at Grafham Water. Club members from this Rotary club, and others in the local area, operate a rota of support to enable the Sailability charity to run their activities. Members will have been rigging and launching boats to enable sailors with a variety of additional needs and their buddies to enjoy their time on the water.
We are always keen to hear from people who would like to know more about Rotary. Details can be found on the club Facebook page and Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland can also be found on Facebook and at https://www.rotarygbi. org/
                                     • Scouts–forchildrenbetweentheagesof10to 14 years
In scouting, as part of the DofE, we accept young people who want to do their volunteering with us.
We are aways looking for adult volunteers to help run our sections. If you are interested then please get in touch.
Going forward
The Cubs have a camp planned in May and the Scouts will be camping in June. Other things the group will be involved in are Charter Fair, Remembrance Day, and another litter pick with the council.
We started off the year with 19 young people (9 Beavers, 10 Cubs) and we finished with 38 young people (14 Beavers, 17 Cubs and 7 Scouts). The group has grown but we still need adult volunteers.
We are a growing group that relies on volunteers to help run the sections and we are looking for adults to help in the Beavers, Cubs and Scout sections. We have roles to fit every lifestyle and skillset with all the relevant training provided. If you are interested, please contact us at you will be given a warm welcome.
Fred Harris – Group Scout Leader,
2nd Thrapston Scout Group

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