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papers and local radio stations continued their support to the bitter end – and beyond. We became regulars with Radio Northampton and, like the papers, we were often asked for our comments and opinions when there was national news about breast cancer innovations or celebrities being diagnosed and of course, to keep listeners up to date with our activities – and promote them. I became a regular on Helen Blaby’s Friday lunchtime show in the Studio where a group of three of us, with Helen, would discuss items in the news that we had opinions on. They were always very lively debates! I was invited to share my Desert Island Discs on John Griff’s show – John presenting us with a donation and Bernie Keith offering to come along to open one of our Walks; the producer, ‘Laura’, running the London Marathon and Helen singing for us at one of our many concerts – she has a lovely voice!
We even made it on to the TV screens – but more about that later!
To all our media friends, whether professional, or volunteers,
“THANK YOU” for your loyal support and for any of the photographs taken by you that appear in my book.

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