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money for equipment and suchlike, it has an equally important function as a support network for those suffering from cancer. Glennis has big plans for the future and this paper will continue to do all it can in our own small way. But in the meantime, we urge anyone who can to make sure they keep Sunday, March 23rd free in their diaries and step out at Wicksteed Park for the 12th Annual Crazy Hats walk to make it a truly glorious day. Glennis and her large band of helpers deserve our full support this, and every other year.’
It was a sad day for us, but a well-deserved one for
Jeremy, and his family, when he was promoted and
moved on to head a much bigger conglomerate
of papers across the country. His successor, Neil
Pickford, thankfully, continued with the same level
of support, even attending my Mum’s funeral with
Stephanie – a gesture I will never forget. Jeremy’s
wife, Judith, was heavily involved with The Business Times and would often ring us and put together comprehensive and colourful reports to encourage other businesses to support us and
make them aware of the charity’s existence. David Tomney, the Communications Manager at KGH first met us at the Crazy Hats Day in
2002 and wrote many articles for the hospital’s newsletter ‘Acute News’. He is still snapping and reporting away today – we laugh at how we have aged!
Since Neil P. we have had Neil Burkett and David Summers as supportive Editors who, again, pledged their 100% support and coverage but as mentioned, with the internet becoming more widely used to keep up with daily news, the Evening Telegraph sadly became a weekly paper, retitled – ‘Northamptonshire Telegraph’ – and other papers followed suit or, indeed, finished. Furthermore, there were now additional local charities, all very worthy, emerging and to be fair to them it was agreed that our coverage would diminish.
As a charity we produced regular Newsletters for our members, ably supported by ‘Bill’, an experienced and talented graphic designer who worked for D&B Print next door. Our very first newsletter, aptly called: “’hat’s talkin!’ was just 4 sides of A4. In the years that followed a 32-page

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