Page 198 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 198
Going to scho“
much to do. Was this really happening – would I really have to go to the Benefits Office and claim benefits? I also made an appointment to see my Bank Manager (in the days when you could!) and was told that I had insurances and protection cover on my bank cards which meant I could put in a claim for payments to either be withheld or even stopped. It was an an eye-opener but I felt irritated that I could be in this position. Weeks later, true to the Bank Manager’s word, having ‘critical illnesses’ included in my insurances, proved to pay dividends and I was told the previous six months payments I had made would be reimbursed and my balance cleared. I seemed to be getting there and even made an appointment to see someone in the Benefits Office to apply for Statutory Sick Pay to top up my half pay when it kicked in. I was successful in this, but I wasn’t eligible for mobility or disability allowance and felt perfectly happy about the latter two, especially when an Officer came to my house and asked questions about toileting and feeding myself and could I walk a hundred yards with ease? This was surreal and I, politely, cut short the interview, suggesting to the Officer that I was wasting his time. I knew there would be numerous forms to fill in and had to get them signed by my GP. Dr Lawrence was, once again, very supportive. He was so understanding, so reassuring, so helpful, so obliging and genuinely interested. I felt lucky to have had such a caring Doctor. He was pleased that I had the Crazy Hats fundraising idea behind me to keep me and my mind busy. I’d temporarily put that to the back of my mind but was aware the ‘big day’ was looming.
The visit by a Personnel Officer from the LEA to my home was arranged. She was surprised when I told her I had been told not to have any contact with the Acting Head and that I wasn’t being given any information, officially, from the School. She could not see the reason why this was happening and said she would ask the Acting Head to ring me. I then went on to mention that after my first visit back to the School, (having been invited by Kettering Borough Council and having got permission from the Authority and medical clearance from my doctors) to receive a large cheque from the Borough Council, (a grant we worked hard for and had secured to improve the Nursery), I had been reported to the Senior Education Officer, by the Acting Head for, supposedly, making decisions behind her back, for which I was ‘cautioned’. I made the Personnel Officer aware that I lodged a complaint to the LEA about this as I felt they were well out of order, knowing the report had been exaggerated and there was no way I was going to have this on my record.
What happened was this...
Going back into School to receive this cheque had had its problems right from the start as I had been told by the Chair of Governors that I was not to see the children or have any contact with them. Hmm. Going to school but not to have anything to do with the children, or see them? Difficult, if not impossible! As soon as I pulled up in the car park the children were waving at me and, of course, there were a lot
ol but not to have anything to do with the children, or see them? Difficult, if not impossible! As soon as I pulled up in the car park the children were
waving at m”