Page 200 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 200

Was this legal? I felt angry about this bombshell. Something was not right. Is this what the Education Authority wanted? Is this what they were working towards – without giving my welfare or mental health any consideration, sending a messenger to my home in the hope I would comply with what they were suggesting? Was this a set up to get rid of me? Did they not want me back? What was going on? Was this what was said to anyone who needed time off for cancer treatment? I had to keep telling myself, hoping that it was just a suggestion, something for me to consider and for which I had a choice. But the Personnel Officer was constantly talking about the ‘benefits’ of retiring, of having less stress and responsibility in my life... I listened to her, because I had never, ever considered this and was very, very curious. This was unbelievable. I had to listen. Yes, I had a choice, and “I” had a voice in all of this. But there was no way I was going to retire! Every day since I had been off work it was the thought of returning to school that kept me going. I had to believe I would, and could, legally, go back. I thought, “How dare they suggest such a thing?” They don’t contact you for months, then with me contacting them, they come up with this! They’d obviously been discussing me back at headquarters.
I did nothing with the forms as coming to terms with having to go on half pay was far more important, as was my ongoing treatment. I was so utterly confused and, to be honest, fearful for my future. I was not interested in taking ill-health retirement.
When I told people what had been suggested by the LEA, that I should think about retiring on grounds of ill-health, they were amazed and as shocked as I was, telling me to forget about it, concentrate on my treatment and work on being well enough to go back in September.
“You’re the Head, Glennis!”
“Stick to your guns!”
But, at the same time, some of my friends told me to be aware that
there were possibly things going on behind the scenes. There were also people out there who said I should seriously give retirement some thought – take whatever package they offered, ‘get out’ and lead a stress-free life. Very easy to say but they were not me – they were not Glennis!
I felt totally bewildered and there was more! Having not sent the forms back I was sent another set through the post and when I rang up to speak to the Personnel Officer who had instigated all this, I was told she had left and I would have to speak to a temporary member of staff – who knew nothing about me or the situation. In time I took myself over to the LEA offices and saw the newly appointed Officer face to face, where I was able to express my concerns. It was suggested I had ‘stress counselling’!! It felt like the only stress I was having was induced by their proposal – how on earth would counselling sort the problem? I was told it was their ‘Duty of Care’ to offer this which I understood but... counselling? No. I had to sort this out for myself for I had picked up enough vibes by now, and was convinced, that there were rumblings.
the Head, Glennis!” “Stick to your guns!”
But, at the same time, some of my friends told
me to be aware that there
were possibly things going on behind the scenes. ”

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