Page 238 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 238

I was touched“
by a guide, working hard to get as good a match as possible in size and
”m. Six hours later... respected hi
been cut away but I was wrong, it was her belly button that was also moulded and sewn into place – a new belly button. All the time Chris was sculpturing her new breast, he was looking at her natural one as
 how members
of the Medical Team thanked Mr Varma, and how he thanked them – honestly and openly – it was clear to see how much they
shape. It was incredible, for as he cut and stitched away, Jen now had two breasts. Job done! WOW!!
I wondered how Mr Varma would bring the two edges of the tummy area together for he was in charge of that. Because Jen was lying flat the gap where they had taken the flap from looked to be very wide. What he did was to raise and bring both ends of the operating table up, thus bringing her legs and upper part of her body together and, of course, the two sides of her tummy. Before stitching her up liquid pain relief was injected so Jen didn’t wake up with too much pain. It was a painstaking job but, like her breast, she ended up with a very neat scar across her middle, a drain being inserted to drain away any excess blood and fluids.
As they methodically and systematically cleaned Jen up, applied dressings and took away and removed pieces of equipment I felt so, overwhelmingly proud for everyone – particular- ly Jen. The respect I had for all the whole Team was immense – it was teamwork at its very best and it wasn’t because I was there – this was what they did day in, day out. I was touched by how members of the Medical Team thanked Mr Varma, and how he thanked them – honestly and openly – it was clear to see how much they
respected him.
With the anaesthetist happy that Jen had
stirred, her bed was brought in and she was carefully lifted off, warmly covered up and taken to recovery where I was allowed to sit with her. While this was going on Jackie was talking me through the cleaning operation that had now begun in Theatre – ready for the next patient.
The Recovery Room was hugely busy with sleeping ‘bodies’ of all ages occupying two long rows of trolleys with nurses and doctors assigned to each bed – they were ready for Jen who looked very comfortable and relaxed. Within seconds of her arrival observations were quickly carried out and in time she very slowly came round. Holding her hand I asked if she was OK and reassured her it was all over and that everything had gone well. Wearily, she nodded and gave me

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