Page 360 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 360

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be able to say yes. It felt like the perfect fit for us, as a Northamptonshire based company passionate about women’s causes, to support a local breast cancer charity who were donating to the region’s hospitals as well as providing direct support to women living with breast cancer. With a shared vision to improve the lives of women, we could see this had the potential to be something special. Little did we know then that this would become a long standing partnership and one that brings so much pleasure and pride. Anyone who attended this year’s Walk will agree that it truly was the best one yet! Yes, the beautiful weather helped, but the show of support for this amazing charity continues to go from strength to strength and is a true testament to the incredible work they do. Reaching £2million is such an achievement for a small charity and, on behalf of Avon, I want to say thank you to everyone who has shown their support over the years. Avon is certainly proud to have played our part in this journey and I can’t wait to see what’s next!”
Thank you, Avon!
We had many people run marathons for us – many in the London Marathon whereby, we had one place in their Silver Bond Scheme once every five years! We often felt this was very unfair for the smaller charities but believe this is soon to be changed to one runner every two years in 2025. Our thanks to all our runners, not only in the London Marathon but many other marathons across the country. Jo – Trustee and our filming expert – first came on board having done a ‘Midnight Run’ in Norway!
say thank you to everyone who has shown their support over the years. Avon is certainly proud to have played our part in this journey and I can’t wait to see
Mention must be made of Hatton Academy and Victoria Primary Academy in Wellingborough, who supported Crazy Hats year on year – Victoria with their Annual easter Bonnet Competition and Hatton with their annual Pink Days and Cake sales. We loved going along to all their special days (and to their Christmas Plays) and were very touched when we were invited to open a new 6th Form Building at Hatton with a plaque displayed on the wall and a special party organised to
celebrate their achievements. With the fantastic facilities they were offering their Sixth Formers it really made me wish I was back at school again – not as a teacher, but as a student!
Special mention too, to The Priory in Wellingborough who chose Crazy Hats as their nominated Charity for many years and supported us by allowing us to use their Function Room to hold our weekly Friends of Crazy Hats Coffee Mornings. Like Hatton, it was a very proud moment when we were asked to cut the ribbon to their newly refurbished
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