Page 410 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 410

Approximately a third and final 20k remained so we have ‘banked’ this with the Northants Community Foundation, with whom I am working with, to secure one-off grants for breast cancer patients. Covid and other issues have held this up but again, we feel this is a lovely legacy to leave behind. The £20k won’t last long but how the Foundation works there may be ways this amount can be topped up periodically so that grants can be continued. Once this is up and running I am confident the
press will pick up on the story!
Next I MUST “Spruce Up” my own house and will be looking forward
to, if energy allows, blitzing every room in the near future to transform my space into a tidy, paperless, less-cluttered, relaxing environment. Perhaps a little holiday by the sea too? It has to be Norfolk – to give my brain a rest, to collect my thoughts and to have a go at throwing my own ‘worded’ pebbles into the sea... Then a new art project? Start my walking again? ...and spend more time with my family who have been so patient and understanding...
Then, if there is a need, I would love to carry on giving my ‘talks’, to continue to raise the importance of being breast aware and to share my story with many of the groups I have already spoken to who may want to hear ‘What happened next?’ – and to newer groups who know very little about the work we did. Like Anne Frank, I would like my experiences to be of use to others.
Additionally, having run a charity for twenty years it would be great to be able to talk to other charities and fundraisers... I’m sure there will be opportunities out there.
We have our ‘Crazy Friends’ support group – meeting every Thursday morning, our doors always open to anyone who may need support or want to meet with fellow breast cancer patients. Our meetings, as they were at the office, are always well-attended – and very noisy!
Summing up then...
I think you’ll agree I have led an interesting and varied life. I have overcome many adversities but I have also had experiences and privileges that many would love to have had. I am very grateful and hope the rest of my life will be just as varied – and healthy. Crazy or not, the past twenty years of running Crazy Hats has taught me so much and I feel I am a stronger person. It was a privilege to be at the helm of such a wonderful charity, with a wonderful ‘crew’ and amazing people. Like my Mum said, I do believe ‘He’ didn’t want me to be
   “I would love to carry on giving my ‘talks’,
to continue
to raise the importance of being breast aware and to share my story with many of the groups I have already spoken to who may want to hear ‘What happened next?’ ”

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