Page 411 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 411

a Headteacher although I gained so much from my teaching career generally. My hopes for the future are that through research for breast cancer, the disease will become less invasive, more manageable and treatments will continue to improve; survival rates will continue to improve – and the lesser-known, rare cancers will be thoroughly researched, understood and identified quickly – ‘hopes’ I surely share with everybody.
My message to those whose lives are affected by breast cancer is to think of all the things you are grateful for. At one of the earlier Cancer Voices Conferences I attended, I was part of a ‘Be Grateful’ seminar and like the seven minute painting we did with Michele, we had ten minutes to list all the things in life we were grateful for. In just ten minutes I ended up with over 100 – that number rising when I took the train home and got my notebook out...
...Independence, Kit Kats, Chanel No. 5, laughter, warm baguettes, marmite, sunshine, roast dinners, Johnson’s Baby Bath, friends, family, being with people, mum’s cooking, having my ‘treasures’ around me, my flat, such caring and skilled medical professionals, my health, getting my boob back, my car, pants that don’t slip down, my garden, my cat, black and white films, Classic FM, happy memories, my camera, photographs, my hair coming back, waking up after surgery, ‘Wobert’, keeping lists, lovely note books to write in, the laughter of children, fresh crab, cancer-free years, Dutch Gouda cheese with cumin seeds ...(that Jo and Phil often brought back from Holland as a gift – try it!) ...etc. etc. etc.
Have a go at making your own list and add to it – it really does make
you feel grateful for what you have and who and what you have around “ you...
   And – when things are bad – look for the ‘helpers’ – you need never feel alone.
Right, stop waffling Glennis! I AM going to end now. In my head I can hear Marilyn discretely coughing, telling me I’ve run overtime... and that the WI ladies have unveiled their superb cakes!!
Onwards and upwards then... God Bless everyone. xx
(And please, dear readers, don’t forget to be breast aware! And talk!)
(And please, dear readers, don’t forget to
be breast aware! And talk!) ”

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