Page 413 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 413

 I’ve left you my friendship – a letter...
Wednesday March 8th 2023
4.00am and I was wide awake. I must have been
dreaming, for in my head were vivid scenes – flashbacks – of happy times spent with Marilyn...
In every scene we were laughing...
I so wished I could have told her about my dream but realised I couldn’t...
But then I could... couldn’t I?
In my subconscious state it came to me that I could perhaps write her a letter – a letter to, first of all, tell her about my dream – to ‘chat’ with her and hopefully bring a smile, or two, to her face. A letter to let her know what our friendship meant to me; how her illness affected me; how her passing made me feel... all the things I wanted, and needed, to tell her – that I would never, ever forget her! Secondly, my letter, which I would be willing to share, would demonstrate how extremely lucky we were to have found each
other when we did...
I got out of bed, turned the computer on and the words came tumbling out.
My personal letter to her will be my final chapter and my tribute – to Marilyn – my best friend, my soulmate.
“Sometimes you meet a person and you just click – you’re comfortable with them, like you’ve known them your whole life, and you don’t have to pretend to be anyone or anything.”
Sometimes you meet a person and you just click. ”

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