Page 426 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 426

Thank you “
To the late Mrs Chamberlain, my English teacher at St. Peter’s, who I hope would have been pleased that I persevered with my writing and that I didn’t give up after she gave me a ‘0’ for what I thought was a good story!
To all my former school and college friends who made learning, and play, so much fun!
To all my former teachers and tutors who inspired me to teach – especially Mr Kemp and Mr Parrot.
To all my amazing professional teaching colleagues, support staff and friends in the schools where I taught – too many to mention – we really did have some enjoyable, memorable years together – and we worked hard too! Thank you for supporting me through the bad times.
 for putting up with me. I know I have been a pain and a pest but I have really enjoyed
this ye”
To ‘Des’ for believing in me.
❤ ❤
To every child that I had the pleasure to teach – every one of them special – their parents too. I hope I was able to leave them with a love of learning and a desire to do well in the world. It has been lovely to have met so many of them in later life and to meet their children, their grandchildren and even their great-grandchildren!
(David Wright was one such ex-pupil! (Sitting directly in front of me on photo). When he left he sent me a card saying: “Thank you for putting up with me. I know I have been a pain and a pest but I have really
enjoyed this year.” I was to meet him when I was admitted to KGH in 2018 with kidney stones (ouch!) – he took me to the ward saying he would be looking after me!!)
To my ‘Don’t Worry – Be Happy’ – John.
To my many sporting friends and associates – especially Dave and Dusty, Heather and Tom and Liz and Chris (and Emma).

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