Page 428 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 428

My love a“
Specific thanks to Claire and staff (Elsby & Co – Accountants); Caroline and staff (Anstee & Co – Independent Finance Advisers) and Ikâ, Neelam and staff (Wilson Browne – Solicitors) for their pro-bono support – for many years.
To Mel who helped us at the office with our monthly accounts; Phil Harris (Harris & Co Accountants) who helped us prepare and present our Trustees Annual Reports and to the various ICT companies/Individuals we worked with who helped us with our websites and other technical issues.
To all the reporters, photographers and Editors (friends) of the local newspapers and other media outlets for outstanding coverage and support from the outset.
To the general public and donors... ‘thank you’ for supporting all of our fundraising events and for being so generous – ‘thank you’ for helping is to raise such an incredible amount of money.
To all the talented ‘artists’ who have contributed their work to the book – Sue, Megan, Aisha, Jimmy, Brenda and of course Stan whose portraits and caricatures are – “perfect” – and have been a real talking point!!! (Stan presented me with a caricature of himself!)
To ‘Bill’ who initially helped me so much when I first started to put my book together and later when Crazy Hats closed. Warm thanks to his boss – Dave for his ‘jokes’ – and Anne, his wife, who joined our team.
My love and thoughts are with the families and loved ones of those we sadly lost in the time Crazy Hats was active.
To the late Bryan Hector – for sharing his story.
Special memories of ‘Chemo Sue’, her family and friends, and her partner Graham, for allowing me to include her artwork and for their friendship.
 nd thoughts are with the families and loved ones of those we sadly lost in the time Crazy Hats was

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