Page 82 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 82

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told me that she had a new baby brother. I scanned the pews to see if her mum and baby were there. Yes! What made me do it, I shall never know, but there was I, tiptoeing along the aisle, trying to look inconspicuous, approaching the mum to see if I could borrow baby ‘Simon’! I suppose my shock request worked, for baby Simon was in my arms and I was on my way back to the crib, mouthing to Mary (Daniella): “Don’t drop him!” Daniella was also in shock but was a wonderful surrogate mum for the next half hour or so – and baby Simon was perfectly behaved, even if his mum froze in a state of bewilderment. The look on the rest of the staff’s faces was one of disbelief too. There was stunned silence in the congregation, but – we had a Jesus and the service resumed. Father Paul’s reaction, at
the end of the service? “I suppose you’ll want a real donkey for Easter then?” How lovely it was that Simon’s parents invited me to become one of his Godmothers at his christening held a couple of months later.
se you’ll want a real donkey for
Kevin and I got on really well and it was exciting for us all to see the school improve and the children enjoying their education. I learned a lot by working under a Head that could see the school’s potential. In time, the post for a permanent Head was advertised. The short time Kevin was with us was appreciated by us all so we ensured we gave him a good send off with the Mr Blobby outfit coming out again, knowing Kevin was up for being ridiculed and embarrassed. He was!
Our first introduction to the new permanent Headteacher was when he called an immediate staff meeting to introduce himself and asked us individually for our support. Not knowing anything about him, or having been introduced beforehand, this was an unusual move and we felt we were in for many more changes – and, sadly, upsets.
My workload became immense! First, and foremost, I was the school’s Deputy Head and a Year 6 class teacher with a full-time teaching commitment. I was also the Special Needs Co-ordinator, Staff
Easter the”

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