Page 128 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
P. 128

   Trail’s End Camp Staff
 RAPTCIs and TEC Staff supporting Ronald McDonald House at Calgary Children’s’ Hospital
are also close plans underway with HQ ATG (A) to formalise and streamline support to T3 expeditions to ensure continued success going forward. We also continue to and gladly support two T4 OTXs from JSMTC per year (CANPADDLE and CANICE). Having had the opportunity to host the RAPTC RFC this year we are again in close talks to host the 2017 RAPTC T3 expedition in summer; it will be an honour and a privilege to assist.
From a wider RAPTC ‘association’ perspective, we still have the likes of the ‘Mellors’ the ‘Chiddles’ the ‘Tates’ and the ‘Hartwells’ in the immediate vicinity with the ‘Crawford’ and ‘Breckell’ families somewhere in country too. We have also had the pleasure of visits from Ian Horn and family as well as Stuart McNeish and even (Gaawwd help us) Bob Price came over for a week or two on his ‘50th tour’. All brilliant experiences and great to see them all in such  ne spirits.
Of course I could continue ‘waf ing on’ here about various acts of greatness and successes out here in Canada, but it would become ‘wordy’ and who wants that?! Therefore I will close by saying that Trails End Camp remains for the foreseeable future, the courses are  rst class, the experiences are many fold and quite frankly if a posting or exercise to BATUS is not on your RADAR you are mad!
I am now off (Jun 17) to take over the reins from Maj (MAA) Lee Neville HQ 1 (UK) Div in York. So therefore I wish Maj (MAA) Russ Bailey and his lovely wife Danielle a very successful and exciting assignment to Canada (taking over from me is a breeze as he knows!!). And, in closing, I thank BATUS HQ, TEC, Battle Group RAPTCIs and Temp Staffs, Lazy ‘H’ Ranch, Yamnuska, Gear Up and indeed the ‘retired’ RAPTCIs out here for all their support and kindness. Now, enough reading; enjoy the pictures (as long as they get published!).
BATUK has been training British soldiers in Kenya for over 60 years and trains around 12,000 troops annually (12% of the British Army). BATUK continues to train and produce
 t, robust and professional soldiers to meet the demands of an extremely busy Field Army. Kenya provides an outstanding and very challenging environment that fully tests our soldiers and exercising Battle Groups to the limit. All units training in Kenya leave  tter, more robust and better prepared for today’s global challenges. The high level of performance that soldiers leave Kenya with, is, often tested within months of returning to the UK on the various commitments and operations that the Army is involved in.
BATUK AT & PD Wing is fully aware of the important role we play in ensuring that soldiers under Commander BATUK are physically and mentally prepared to meet the demands of the Field Army. To achieve this we are manned with the two RAPTC posts. This
Maj (MAA) Jim Yates RAPTC, WO2 (QMSI) Grahame Osborne RAPTC

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