Page 129 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
P. 129

    BATUK Staff - Lewa Marathon
is possibly one of the smallest PD departments in the Army, providing training for one of the largest proportions of the Army on an annual basis.
BATUK AT & PD Wing continues to evolve and change to meet the ever-increasing demands of the customer (exercising units, BATUK staff, and families). Over the last year, there have been a number of signi cant developments and activities organised and delivered by the BATUK AT & PD Wing, including; all Battle Group and exercising units AT packages, Commander BATUK’s PT (3 sessions per week), Commander’s Cup sports competition (6 internal sporting events for BATUK staff and LEC community throughout the year), Unit Health Fare, Weight Management Training, Lewa Marathon, dependant children’s wildlife conservation and AT packages and the BATUK Wives Mount Kenya package.
a.Lewa Marathon – Run on the Lewa Downs Conservancy, this marathon is classed as one of the top ten endurance races in the world. BATUK had 45 runners taking part in this race.
b.Kili  Triathlon Event – BATUK entered 12 three man teams and 5 individuals for this event and managed to achieve a 3rd place podium  nish on our  rst outing.
c.BATUK children’s activity package – Taking the dependent children and introducing them to the gorilla conservancy scheme.
Taking into account the usual and often unusual frustrations of working in Kenya, BATUK really is a fantastic place to work. It provides an excellent opportunity to further develop your RAPTC
BATUK Kili  Triathlon Teams
BATUK children outside the Gorilla cage, Ol Pejeta Conservancy
career as either an SO2 or QMSI AT & PD, whilst still delivering regular, hands on, physical training to the large BATUK and Battle Group community who live, work or exercise in Kenya. It is a great opportunity to spend time out of the UK with the family or as a single soldier, discovering all that Africa has on offer.
Maj (MAA) M Warwick RAPTC
This year’s notes  nd me in the sunnier climes of the Mediterranean. From MOD Abbey Wood and the Bristol Channel to sunshine in 12 months. Life is full of opportunities.
I am fortunate here in BFC to look after a team of highly dedicated, enthusiastic and capable RAPTCI’s. They manage to plan, organise, assist and create in a multitude of sporting, physical and community events across the two Infantry Battalions, two Stations and a Joint Force Signals Support Unit and are a credit to our cap badge. Leading the physical and moral component is key to enjoying the environment here and without doubt all the RAPTCI’s on island contribute to this in abundance. I will not ‘steal their sandwiches’ about their exploits in the enclosed articles suf ce to say that these will give you a  avour of life here in BFC.
We welcome SSgt Mans eld and Sgt Spencer with their families onto the Island during this MBS year. And we will shortly bid
farewell to SSgt Ferguson and SSgt MacLaughlin who both leave this summer (17).
As with everyone in this MBS change is the one constant here in BFC. A number of major changes have occurred since I took up post in May 16 with the two biggest being the change to the Cyprus working hours to 8-5 daily and the on-going work to the Cyprus Future Operating Model (FOM). The FOM will set the future for Cyprus for the next 20 years and will provide the platform for Operations in this area for the future. Undoubtedly this will involve structural changes, manpower changes and rationalisation of key services but it will also allow a more sustainable Cyprus for UK defence plc and one that continues to meet its operational output.
If you are thinking of planning Adventurous Training or an Overseas Sports Visit here then please get in touch. We can facilitate most requests for quality activities.

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