Page 130 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
P. 130

With The 1st Battalion the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment now settling into their second year here in Cyprus, the workload has continued with the Bn moving into the new roll of RSB (standby Bn). This means that the companies have cycled through a rotation of Leave, Lead Coy group, follow on lead Coy and camp duties throughout the winter months. Commitment to these taskings, and an undermanned Bn, has proven an arduous and challenging period for the Bn. This period has also been aligned to the on-going back ll of soldiers required to guard RAF Akrotiri and the Op Shader air eld in RAF Akrotiri. Despite these commitments the Bn has not stopped the constant work needed to keep moral high in the Physical Development space. Late in 2016 we continued our progress in the ring with an Inter Coy Boxing competition whilst the Champion Coy competition, staggered over a number of events from basic Infantry skills to sport, has continued throughout the training year
As the RAPTCI constant rotations have caused its own problems from a MATT 2 perspective. Additionally managing Level 1 and 2 PT and attendance issues have added to this complexity. Soldiers being constantly busy on task and having to keep them, and the CoC, informed and compliant with Rehabilitation and Reconditioning PT is a real challenge that needs engagement on a daily basis.
In mid-2016 we welcomed a new Commanding Of cer who has set the standard high towards PT for the soldiers. Regular weekly CO PT from CO runs to Battle PT are now set within the battle rhythm
with the CO leading from the front. We have also welcomed a new RSM who has taken over the reigns as UFTO. Since his arrival the support for PD within the Bn has increased and his assistance is key in obtaining the ‘buy-in’ culture from the Bn.
Additional duties for me have included 2 ETL courses for 4 LANCS (Op TOSCA) to help the Bn out as they were short on AAPTIs. A great opportunity to integrate with the AR and spread the RAPTC ethos.
SSgt (SSI) N Davison RAPTC
SSgt (SSI) M MacLaughin RAPTC
With only a few months left with 2 PWRR, I re ect on what has been a fantastic last year for the Battalion in Cyprus. Main effort over the last year has been Cyprus Security Duties and converting to a Light Mechanised Unit before taking up the new role in Cottesmore. Although extremely busy the Battalion has maintained that work hard and play hard ethos ensuring that the Cyprus AT and sports offer has been  rmly grasped. Below is a snippet of what has been going on.
In May 16 I had the pleasure of organising the Mountain to Sea event which is a 60 km mountain bike ride. The event sees riders in teams of three racing from Troodos camp, which is approximately 2000 metres above sea level to tunnel Beach in Episkopi. A record number of 35 teams entered the competition which was great to see.
The Commanding Of cer’s trophy has seen the Battalion make the most of the great events that are organised by the on Island RAPTCI’s. In June we took over 20 swimmers to compete in the Bay 2 Bay swim which is a 1 mile open water swim. B Coy won hands down with the Coy OC and CSM being keen triathletes they led from the front and achieved excellent times. For a few it was the  rst time they had ever swam a mile and the relief of getting to dry land was clear to see.
The next event was the Cyprus Walk Down which is approximately 25 miles if you navigate correctly or 35 plus for those who struggle with MATT 5. Each Company entered 3 teams of 3 competitors into the event. Although named the Walk Down it has some surprisingly steep inclines. A Coy won the event with C Coy hot
 2 PWRR Sports Dinner

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