Page 156 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
P. 156

Mr Mick Ford
  Before commencing this report, the Branch would like to express their appreciation to the outgoing Chairman Lt Col (Retd) Phil Watkins MBE for all his hard work over recent
years, Col Phil has chosen to step down for health reasons and we wish him well for the future. Our thanks also go to Lt Col Bob Taylor for carrying out the duties as Treasurer and has now handed over this task to Nick Lear-Easdown, thank you for what you have done. Mrs Maureen Watkins is not to be left out of this equation, Maureen was also a sure back up in time of need,  owers were sent on our behalf with appreciation for her time.
Once again Col George stepped into the breach as Interim Chairman and myself taking over as Secretary of the Branch with Nick Lear-Easdown as Treasurer.
The Gables Inn at Fal eld was once more the venue for the South West Association gathering on the 25th February 2017, under a new events manageress which heralded a new form of lay out and a much improved Buffet Meal, Nick Lear-Easdown living close to the area, acted as a fantastic liaison of cer for the Branch and our thanks go to him for a job well done. A total of 48 members attended with a number sending regrets because of other commitments, The evening began with the Loyal Toast and a very lusty singing of the Corps March (twice) greatly assisted
by the Ladies followed by the buffet, raf e and disco dancing, -- although some Corps men gave the excuse of bad knees (No offence intended....) It was felt that there was much more lively participation during the evening and this is something we hope to continue. Leo Howson took care of the Raf e, helped by Barbara Williams and daughter Karen, Sue Ford (Who made beautiful table runners in Red & Black) and the SMAA with Col Gary Jones made sure that all the tickets were all in the draw bin, a total of £133.00 was contributed to our funds. a very big thank you for all the gifts donated.
Mimzy was on hand to act as of cial photographer for the evening also celebrating with Jean, his wife, their 39th Wedding Anniversary that day, he knows how to treat a lady to a night out !
Sadly since the beginning of the year we have had a total of eight members pass away, this included wives who were very active within the Branch, the Chairman or a representative attended each funeral and cards of condolence were sent to the bereaved and our thoughts and prayers remain with the families.
Next year 2018 the RAPTC Association South West reunion will be at the Gables Inn on the 27th February. Make a note in your diaries now.
Lt Col (Retd) Dougie Peters
  Areasonably quiet year for the members of the RAPTC Association (Scottish Branch) by comparison to previous years, with the exception of the previous Chairman (Stewart McNeish) packing up and moving further north into the deepest Highlands (Carrbridge to be precise), Mike Mooney being the oldest man in NATO to be “mobilised”, although to be fair it was soaking up the sunshine in Cyprus for another 6-months of Adventurous Training. For the rest of us the only notable move
was the Branch Secretary Capt Neil Beattie taking over as Adjt of Edinburgh University Of cer Training Corps (EUOTC).
Dougie McGill continues to defy age and still treks over various mountains, ski’s double-black runs, mountain bikes (mainly at Glentress), road cycles or hits Bannatyne’s Gym every other day and still  nds time for the odd game of golf or two, and he’s de nitely improving (so he tells me!).

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