Page 155 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
P. 155
Our committee members of Clem McBride, Peter Scales and Dot Goulding do sterling work. Whenever possible, they attend funerals or visit those that are poorly or disabled. It’s a busy schedule at times and none of us claim expenses. Dot keeps me on my toes and without her intervention; I would have retired ages ago.
For our next annual branch reunion and AGM, we have gone for Saturday the 4th March 2018. A Saturday has been chosen to allow for the organisers to prepare without rushing up the M6/ M55 corridors. We are guaranteed accommodation and those who decide to stay for two nights (Fri/Sat) will have a reduction in price for the second night. If suf cient numbers attend on the Friday, then a buffet and entertainment will be provided.
This year the committee decided to move the location of the annual dinner from Eastbourne to Portsmouth, this was mainly due to the long distances members had to travel with Eastbourne being situated on the South East Coast. Mick Gannon came up with a suggestion of the Royal Maritime Club which was ideally located just around the corner from the Historic Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and the Gun Wharf Quays shopping complex. Our visit there went really well and we decided to go ahead with the change. We also looked at a golf Club not too far away and decided to continue to try and push the Golf as a Saturday morning activity.
The weekend started with the golf, 12 players attended with a scheduled tee off for 1200 on what looked a well maintained course. Steve Monk took on the task of organising the competition as well as wearing the largest sombrero ever worn. (46 pts any good?) Steve took away the overall prize with no one getting close, second place on count back was Bob Martin (36) and Mick Gannon was third (36). The longest drive was won by Keith Howlett and Gary Jones won the nearest to the pin.
Just before the dinner we held our annual AGM which was surprisingly well attended and in the election of Of cials Steve Monk volunteered for the Treasurers post due to the poor health of Jim Pollock and Mick Gannon volunteered to take over as secretary. So this in effect is my last year.
The dinner was a great success; the food was good and the company excellent. At one stage in the organisation of the dinner we attained our highest attendance with 47 people attending but due to some last minute cancellations it reduced to 43. This year the raf e main prize was the Chairman’s daughter donating a weekend for two in her guest house in Cornwall, and this was won by Bill McQuilkin on his rst visit to the South East dinner. The SMAA gave all present an update on the RAPTC and the Association. Feedback from all who attended was good and they were all looking forward to next year’s dinner on 12 May 2018.