Page 48 - Cadet Review Autumn 2023
P. 48

                                YNW ACF
  C Company
outstanding charity
fundraising effort
The cadets and adult volunteers of C Company,
in particular Shipley, Seacroft, New Carlton and Thornbury detachments, were involved in a record breaking fund raising event on Sunday 6th August. Led by 2Lt Hannah Rolf, SSI Paul Atterell, SI Michael Hueston, SI Alena Hemsworth and SI Kristina Juozapaviciene, they attended the Armed Forces Day 2023 Leeds Rhino's rugby league match.
Inside and outside the ground, the cadets carried fund raising buckets to collect donations from the fans attending the rugby match. This turned out to be an outstanding success with £2,343.07 being raised. Lt Colonel Barney Barnbrook, Regional Director, North East and Yorkshire ABF, The Soldiers Charity, stated that this was a record amount of funds raised at a single rugby match.
Colonel Barnbrook contacted the Commandant, Colonel Hugh Gell, to pass on his thanks for the fantastic efforts of the C Company cadets and adults.
In turn the Commandant thanked all concerned for their outstanding community engagement.
Pictures by SI Julie Fearnley
By Major Mick Bell
After an absolutely outstanding six-year Army Cadet Career, it is with a touch of sadness that we bid farewell to our Cadet RSM, Staff Cadet RSM Ashanti Mae Holden. RSM Holden attended her final Annual Camp, getting the County on parade at the start of camp, then taking a final salute when she watched the County being dismissed on the final parade.
RSM Holden has been an exceptional cadet throughout her six years
as a cadet, rising steadily through the ranks to that of Cadet Regimental Sergeant Major. In that role she has shone brightly, the perfect example
of what a Cadet RSM should be. Smart, intelligent, hardworking, able to engage with people from the youngest cadet through to Lord-Lieutenants, Brigadiers, Commandants, also ACF and Regular adult RSMs.
RSM Holden wasn’t just a parade square RSM, she was just as
happy getting stuck in on an FTX or the sports field. Among her many achievements was qualifying as a Master Cadet, being selected as the recipient of the Merchant Adventurer’s Tankard Award for her outstanding performance throughout 2022. RSM Holden’s ultimate accolade was being selected as the Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet (Army) for North Yorkshire for 2022, a post she handed over in October, her last duty in the Army Cadet Force.
Staff Cadet Regimental Sergeant Major Ashanti Mae Holden has been an outstanding asset for the County, and
an inspiration to all the cadets that served under her. The Commandant, Colonel Hugh Gell presented the RSM with a County plaque on her final parade, something she can take with her
to remind her of her time in
Yorkshire (N&W) Army
Cadet Force.
The Commandant and the rest of the County wish RSM Ashanti Mae all the best in her time at university and
her future chosen career.

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