Page 132 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 132
SSgt Rich Simpson on the ice in Antarctica
The wing has conducted and taken part in staff training in several areas around the Highlands. Just off the North West Coast, in the Summer Isles, the team participated in 4 days of Sea kayaking, one of those days included a rocky landing at the base of the of Old Man of Stoer, followed by a 70m ascent and summit of this well-known sea stack (a long-term ambition of the wings outgoing CQMS, SSgt Chandra Gurung, who is not a seasoned climber). This was followed by a 3-day expedition to the Isle of Skye where the team took part in two days of climbing followed by a grade 3 scramble of Sgurr nan Gillean, via pinnacle ridge in the Northern Cuillin. The scramble was a test for novice members of the team with both the exposure and unfortunate poor weather conditions making it that more challenging.
Additionally, the Wing has delivered a successful Winter staff training week for the Army AT Centre and are currently preparing for a similar paddling package.
Well positioned and resourced, the Wing are able to deliver Ex SCOTBIKE, a two-week Mountain Bike (MTB) Concentration on behalf of the Army AT Group. Mountain Bike Training (MBT), Leader (MBL) and Instructor (MBI) courses are delivered for the wider Field Army. The concentration is split into two parts, 4 days Quality Mountain Bike Rides (QMTBRs) followed by a 5-day JSAT MTB course.
WO2 (QMSI) Jamie Mclellan on Winter ML
Capt (MAA) C McMullen RAPTC
Another fantastic year of adventurous training in Pembrokeshire, on the west Wales coastline! The opportunities in the area have provided a much-needed injection of morale to visiting soldiers and officers in a time of uncertainty and restriction post-pandemic, but the team have certainly delivered. The training packages that are provided by the wing have been extremely popular and due to location on the Castlemartin range there is ample opportunity for battlegroup personnel to have ready access to AT in periods of training rest.
In conjunction with the Joint Service Mountain Training Centre (JSMTC), the wing counts itself lucky to be able to train incoming Temporary Employed Elsewhere (TEE) Pte-Cpl as Adventurous Training Leaders. JSMTC run the zero-to-hero course and when moderated in activities within mountain biking, rock climbing and mountaineering, they can deliver multi-activity packages to the Field Army. All end of course responses from the students through the inval process highlight how impressive the delivery potential is of the young TEE on the staff.
As always, the wing provides AT support to the Officer Cadets from RMAS twice-yearly where students gain foundation qualifications to take with them on commissioning to their chosen units - a valuable asset to have a for a young subaltern to lead a team out on AT developing the training in-house.
The wing delivered a successful Climbing Concentration and staff training package in North Wales in August of 2021 and this was excellently organised by SSgt (SSI) Liam Crutchley. The plan was to house the students and instructors from across the AT group in Capel Curig and deliver a package of foundation qualifications, quality climbing days and development of already experienced rock-climbing instructors amongst peers. This was a superb opportunity for the teams to share best practice and embed new skills.
North West Coast, Scotland
Sea Kayaking off The Old Man of Stoer