Page 133 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 133

    Capt (MAA) Noteyoung and SIO Jonny Hawkins
The Wing Sergeant Major, WO2 (QMSI) Jamie Mclellan RAPTC has been key in providing the right conditions for the students and staff to be able to enjoy training whilst also creating opportunities for himself. Having previously traversed the tough Cuillin Ridge and as a self-confessed ‘Munro-bagger,’ he successfully completed the Winter Mountain Leader assessment and as a non-ATI trade this is a tremendous feat! CPD being a massive part of an assignment to Castlemartin, the SIO AT, Mr Rhys Jordan, has managed to qualify himself to full delivery standard in no time, another fine asset to the wing.
Most units have a stores team that manage kit, equipment, and the vehicle fleet, but the Castlemartin Wing is fortunate to have an intrepid explorer in its SQMS, SSgt Rich Simpson. During the training year, Rich completed the Lon Las 2021 which is a footrace from Holyhead to Cardiff Bay unsupported and with minimal rest. That not being sufficient he then deployed with his winter mountaineering skillset to Antarctica for 10 weeks to support survey teams in their pursuit of knowledge of the ice cap. It is a sad time for the team as SSgt Simpson will be leaving us at the end of March 2022 to pursue his AT dreams. Good luck Rich!
The training year began with the news that the Wing would be relocating to Brecon, another two hours closer to the hub of Field Army. This would give the visiting units an opportunity for reduced
Capt (MAA) Noteyoung RAPTC
travel time whilst still retaining the quality of the training venues and increasing the real-life support from a Brigade Headquarters. Whilst in Castlemartin, there has been accommodation challenges and the hope is to have a bespoke Wing outfitted in Brecon to include a climbing wall, SRT tower and full bunk-style accommodation for those with the Wing on courses. The next time the MBS receives an article from this Wing, it will be from inside the glorious walls of The Barracks, home of 160 Bde! Onwards and upwards....
(Should have been Trails End Camp BATUS – now delivering from Army AT Wing Harz)
It’s sad to say, but it is an end of an era for Trails End Camp (TEC), Canada. Lots of you would have experienced Adventurous Training (AT) at TEC and have fond memories and stories to tell from the opportunity.
Both myself and Maj (MAA) Douglas RAPTC nearly had the once in a lifetime opportunity to take the reins of managing TEC on a two-year assignment. During August 2020, and within hours of my furniture being collected for shipment to Canada, I received the news that mine and Maj Douglas’s assignments were being cancelled and that TEC would be mothballed until BATUS could decide on its future. Whilst awaiting direction, we were attached to the Collective Training Group (CTG) as SMI AT and SO2 AT in Warminster.
Within days of arriving at Warminster, we were given 10 days to scope out and deliver AT opportunities for the 1 Mercian Battle Group (BG). They were on Mission Ready Training in Sennelager, Germany, between Oct-Dec 20. Note: There was no funding, equipment, instructors, vehicles, or political clearance when receiving the task. An extreme amount of pleading and favours were being asked to pull something together within the short time frame of 10 Days!
  TEEs and students practicing abseiling
On top of The Old Man of Stoer

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