Page 134 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 134
Mr Llewellyn taking MBF
After an eventful few days, we were deployed to Germany, working with the BG, and had constructed an AT package that would achieve the aim as set out by CTG. As with every plan, we remained realistic and flexible on what we may achieve because of the ever-changing Covid restrictions.
As a result of our resourcefulness, over 220 personnel from the BG benefitted from AT on one of the following activities:
• 5x 3 Day Multi Activity packages (weekends) included Kayaking, Mountain Biking and Indoor Climbing.
• 4x 5 Day JSAT Mountain Bike Foundation Courses supported by the Adventurous Training Wing Harz (ATFW(H)).
SSgt (SSI) Liam Crutchley RAPTC enjoying the welsh backdrop
K2F in the Harz
At the time of writing this (Mar 22), TEC has closed and has been handed back to its original owners, and all future Mission Ready Training is being redirected to Germany. Maj Douglas and I have redesigned the BG AT model and relocated it to its new location in the Harz mountains, as directed by CTG and ATG(A).
Our primary customer at the wing will be the BG, but our courses will be available to all field force units outside of them. Activities, dates and numbers can be found on the AT Online Booking System (OBS) via Defence Gateway.
It has been an exciting start to what should have been one of the best postings the RAPTC has to offer. Regardless of what the future holds, Maj Douglas and I are committed to delivering the best AT experience possible for personnel on Mission Readiness Training.
Nordic Foundation 1 (NF1) in the Harz
Sgt (SI) K Castle RAPTC / SSgt (SSI) K Mortimer RAPTC
This year government guidance in England allowed some fortunate adventure seekers a rare opportunity to attend adapted courses at JSMTW (Ripon). Opportunity perhaps to momentarily shift focus from the pandemic to enhancing their own Service Values, Leadership and Mental Resilience.
Easing of restrictions saw a return to caving. This meant that we could load students on the UK Cave Concentration 21 at reduced capacity. The Concentration was a success with exploration in some of Yorkshire’s and the UK’s most complex cave systems. Not all work though, we had some Staff training in the form of Scrambling in the Lake District, loads of smiles and boring “DITS” but more importantly time to reconnect as a team before our inevitable move to Halton Training Camp in early 2022.
It would be a sin to not mention the retirement of one of our long-standing members of staff, SIO Andy Phillips. Prior to being an SIO, Andy was also a part of the RAPTC for 15 years. Since leaving the Corps he has dedicated his life to Adventurous Training at our Ripon Wing up until 2022. An incredible total of 32 years dedicated service to AT and a deserved recipient of the Rodgers Trophy during this time. The move to Halton may have been a catalyst for Andy’s decision to retire but he has certainly earned that choice and is a well known figure amongst the RAPTC and a mentor to many of our current serving ATIs, Andy Phillips we thank you.
We also welcomed SSgt (SSI) K Mortimer RAPTC replacing SSgt (SSI) D Mudge RAPTC.