Page 160 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 160

Major (MAA) R Bailey RAPTC Second In Command
At the time of writing these notes, I have been in post for 18-Months, which has gone past in the blink of an eye and the odd ‘Broad Jump’! I would like to start by saying ‘Thank You’ to ALL the ASPT staff for their loyalty and support during my tenure and in particular; Capt Ade Jessey and Maj Reg Pierce for the full support (‘One Team One Dream’) they gave me in my initial few months of arriving in post, truly priceless!
The last year or so has been filled with the development and execution of several courses with a spice of COVID thrown in to disrupt normal routine. However, I am proud to say that the TEAM delivered and ‘fought and thought’ through every eventuality to
Long overdue social
ensure the Field Army received a flow of AAPTIs. In addition, they also ensured the future of the Corps stayed on the rails; continuing to train and develop top class RAPTCIs. A ‘healthy’ number of Reserve PTIs were also trained with a small handful successfully attending RAPTC Selection and subsequently badging into the Corps!
As I enter the last few months of my assignment, I observe the staff changeovers and realise that time doesn’t stand still, and our respective caretaking stint is over! We leave a mark and hopefully the job in a better place for the next person whilst maintaining a healthy work life balance! Stay safe and keep smiling.
  AAPTI Course No 70 – Final Flag Competition
   Will ‘n’ Russ – Brother in Arms! Three amigos! Mrs B stealing Col Gary’s bowler!

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