Page 161 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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As one of the newest members to the CDC team I must admit the transition has been a learning curve. Many will know that the Defence System Approach to Training (DSAT) process is well established across the MOD and provides direction and guidance for all education and training. With that said, those who have worked in this area will know it can take some time to get into the DSAT world and to become familiar with its very own language. There are quite a few acronyms to learn along the way from ASpecs, LSpecs, CMPs and your TRA to your TDA. Luckily, the CDC staff are built on strong foundations, SSgts Rees and Spence have become SMEs in their own field and have become a formidable team providing a superb service to the CDC and ASPT. Hot on their heels are the appointed Sgts Muskwe and Woods who have both taken to the DSAT process like ducks to water and continue to learn from their OR7 mentors.
As ever, the team remain busy with course updates and titivation of course resources. Alongside the daily dynamics of CDC life, this year the team have worked hard to develop the Physical Training Leader (PTL) package to ensure that it was fit for purpose and relevant to the current task. Much work has also gone into the updates and provision of the Reserve PTI courses and the trial of a modular-based course which was designed to make the course more accessible for our Reserve counterparts. More recent work strands include the development of the Mental Resilience Training (MRT) package due to be included in the AAPTI and RAPTCI course.
Over the years, it might be fair to say that the CDC team have developed a reputation for being the ‘nerds’ of the RAPTC. However, the sporting accolades and achievements that this team have achieved over the past 12 months have been truly impressive and inspirational. Already known for his athletic abilities, Sgt Muskwe continues to represent the Army Athletics team and last year became the Army Champion in no less than 4 different disciplines. Not content with his athletic abilities, Sgt Muskwe has recently taken to Rugby and has already become a valuable member of the Army Rugby League team. Both SSgts Spence and Rees took part in the British Army Warrior Fitness (BAWF) Competition in 2021, both taking first place on the podium to become crowned the fittest male and female in the Army. Finally, to our newest member of the team, Sgt Woods who has demonstrated his dedication to health and fitness by enrolling into his first ever competitive body building contest.
The Fox Lines Hammersley Challenge was created to help promote inter-cooperability within the ASPT and HQ RAPTC. The catalyst behind the competition came off the back of the National lockdown from Covid-19, with a strong enthusiasm to enhance
Team CDC
teamwork, build camaraderie and physical fitness amongst the permanent staff. Developed within the boundaries of the APTS, with a holistic view in mind to ensure all components of physical fitness were incorporated. ASPT and HQ RAPTC staff were seeded into teams of 3 using SCR stats to compete in 5 events throughout the year, including; rowing, weightlifting, cycling and swimming. Although still in its infancy, the first Hammersley Challenge was a tremendous success and there is a huge appetite to continue the event for future years to come.
SSgt (SSI) O Muskwe RAPTC
I have enjoyed my first year in the CDC team and have endured a fair amount of personal learning and development. I consider myself lucky to be surrounded by such a great team within CDC, they have mentored me from the word go which has made my transition into the RAPTC a smooth process.
I spent the first few months learning about my role within the team and becoming comfortable with the DSAT process, this was a challenging period but enjoyable none the less. Having gained some experience and established my place within the team, I was appointed course exams IC and was tasked to formalise the digitalisation of the JSSERI aptitude assessment. This included unique strategies to improve the testing criteria and marking scheme of the assessment.
CDC have a great team ethos and as a department are big on fitness and very competitive in anything sport-related. One big positive to working in CDC is the ability to work flexibly which creates a great working environment and allows a good work-life balance. It has also allowed me to spend time away representing the Corps and Army in sport. I can safely say it has been the best year in my Army career and I’m very excited for what the future holds for me during my time in CDC.
SSgts Rees & Spence at the British Army Warrior Fitness Final
Hammersley Challenge Winning Team Sgt Muskwe competing at Army athletics