Page 162 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 162
Capt (MAA) G Slade-Jones RAPTC
Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success!
As another training year draws to a close, it is safe to say that the pace of life within the ASPT CAV Cell has been momentous. Despite the obstacles we have faced due to Covid, the team has risen to the challenges and developed new working practices that have allowed the ASPT to successfully maintain its outputs.
Significant staff assignments have seen new personalities in the roles of: TCWO - WO2 Josh Shackleton, TAWO – WO2 Neil McMahon (RLC) and TVWO – WO2 Steve Burnell. This is coupled with a change in Sports Course and Selection Course Clerks. Most significantly, is the sad loss of Angela Logan, who departs the team into her well-earned retirement. She does this on completion of almost 40 years as a Civil Servant and 18 years of loyal service to the ASPT. Angela’s corporate knowledge and unwavering commitment will be missed. The void will be felt across the organisation.
However, on a positive note, the new Warrant Officers are firmly embedded into their roles and it is evident that their new eyes are identifying new ideas. The development of new working practices is flourishing within the department and team output and efficiency is notable.
In the Training Co-ordination space, the last 12 Months has saw the reintroduction of all Pam 16A courses as we navigated our way
ASPT Staff conduct PT during Comd ITG, Brig J Taylor’s Visit
out of the National Pandemic. Detailed planning and engagement paralleled with programme design and development has allowed the ASPT to return to normality whilst successfully meeting our required outputs.
Continuous Improvement and marginal gains are key to a successful lived experience at the ASPT. The validation and assurance have provided excellent kudos on the delivery space on all courses conducted at the ASPT.
However, it has not been all work and there has been some play. From Mountain Biking on a Wednesday afternoon, Team PT at lunch times, or the occasional meal out at the Kingfisher. We use these opportunities to remind each other of the importance of work-life balance and how they contribute towards maintaining and developing our exceptional team.
As the 21/22 training year comes to an end, we begin to look forward into a year that undoubtedly has challenges ahead. The last 12 months has been unpredictable and demanding. However, we must continue to embrace our roles and recognise the significant responsibilities we have in support of the ASPT and the Field Army. Serving at the Army School of Physical Training is both a challenge and a privilege. “Mens Sana in Corpore Sano.”
ASPT Staff and Students during a visit by US Army’s Brig Gen J Kline
WO2 Shackleton and WO2 Burnell prior to the PoP for RAPTCI Cse 226
Mrs Angela Logan’s Farewell
WO2 McMahon & WO2 Burnell pause during a ‘Ride Out’