Page 20 - RADC Bulletin 2021
P. 20

                                Dedication and Unveiling
of RADC Memorial Stone
Mr S Adams, former WO1 in the RADC
 I left the RADC almost 30 years ago,
crikey, I remember meeting guys like me when I was serving and thinking how
old they were!! My final posting before leaving the Army was Staff Assistant to
the RADC Commander in BAOR (British Army of the Rhine). At that time the number of RADC resources in Germany meant
the Commanders post was a Brigadier! Amazing to think that in these ‘leaner’ times.
Anyway, the reason I am writing this piece is that I was asked to assist in planning
and running the recent Centenary Stone Unveiling event at The National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas near Lichfield. I have kept in contact with a few ‘old’ colleagues over the years and attend Past and Present WO’s and Sgt’s Events when I can. My recent retirement from South Yorkshire Police has given me more time. I was honoured to be invited to be part of it.
I had a couple of phone meets with Major John Sharp, a dear old friend from back in the day, whom I speak to every few months to keep abreast of how other old friends
are getting along. Sadly, the chats are often about friends who have passed away recently and reminiscing about how those individuals touched our lives.
I had looked forward to the Centenary celebrations in 2021 for some time and was disappointed when things had to be cancelled or postponed due to the pandemic. Therefore, I was determined
to do my utmost to ensure that the Stone Dedication and Unveiling went ahead, if at all possible.
I met with Irene Amberton, the current Representative Colonel Commandant, Corps Sergeant Major Liz Humphries, John Sharp and another old friend, Paul Armstrong at the NMA in June earlier this year. I’d known Irene from my time as Chief Clerk at The Training Centre and was delighted to find that she hadn’t changed a bit, same down
to earth, ‘call it as it is’ attitude! It was the first time I’d met Liz, who was a delight, easy to get on with, but clearly a very organised individual who had obviously earned her position as Corps Sergeant Major and I have no doubt is destined for greater things.
After a very fruitful meeting with the staff of the NMA and a representative from The Lord Lieutenants Office it was clear that we had an event in the pipeline and despite
the extremely short time scales available
to us we felt that we could actually pull this together! Irene hosted us very well later that evening by picking us up from the hotel and taking us to her local pub in a nearby ‘chocolate box’ village and treating us to dinner!! Great day! Thanks again Irene!
We divided up a few tasks but it was very clear to me that the others involved were already ‘all over it,’ and within a few days the notification had gone out through social media and email to as many people as possible. It was pretty obvious that some people would not be able to make it as the
event was scheduled mid week and some wouldn’t be able to take time off from their busy lives. However, within two or three weeks there was definite interest from close to 100 people and at this point we all knew it was going to happen!
On the weeks and days leading up to
the event I know, as there always is, a
few teething problems cropped up, but nothing that John Sharp hadn’t dealt with before during his 150 years service in the Army!! “Get Some In”, as he likes to say!
Liz Humphries was also very impressively controlling things from her side and dealing with those still serving. Paul Armstrong was effectively managing the IT aspect of consolidating the returns as they came in.
So, finally it came to the day before the event in September and I set off for Lichfield looking forward to the days ahead, meeting old friends and enjoying the celebrations. I met with a number of old colleagues at The Premier Inn on the A38 north of Lichfield and one of the first to arrive was my very first Dental Officer, Hugh Willis, now a Padre who was going to perform part of the service. I apologised for being a rubbish 17 year old Surgery Assistant, he quickly forgave me (don’t think he had too much choice, given his current line of work!!), and along with
a few others we talked about the old days and friends and colleagues from the past.
A lovely afternoon was followed by a great evening at a local curry house. We were ferried back and forth from the restaurant
by the current Chief Dental Officer (Army)
– Tim Davies. A delightful man who hasn’t changed a bit from that bold, young DOMIC (Dental Officer Military Induction Course)
I knew back in the early 90s!! I’m not sure

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