Page 21 - RADC Bulletin 2021
P. 21

                                  some of the Directors from the past would have been so accommodating!!
So, to the day itself. Early start, things
to do at the NMA. I arrived there to find
that John, Liz, Irene and many others were already well on with sorting things for the day ahead. Lots to think about, not least security around the attendance of HRH
The Duchess Of Gloucester. I was asked
to help out on the reception desk with a group of friendly and very organised serving members. People were beginning to turn
up and being on reception gave me a great opportunity to have a quick word with many old faces from the past, really good to see them again after so many years!
Before we knew it we were moving
down to the RADC site at the NMA, it was
a blistering hot day and I really felt for the serving members in their No2’s - we’ve all been there! Despite a seat being available for our Chelsea Pensioner, Hugh Craig, he uncharacteristically decided to stand with an attractive young woman behind the main area. Unfortunately, the heat (I think), got
to him and he took a tumble. People were quickly looking after him, not least Jo Bell- Carew who took care of him until the Police Response team arrived to assist.
Whilst this was all going on the Stone Dedication and Unveiling ceremony continued as planned - with short speeches from both Padres, Rep Col Commandant, Chief Dental Officer (Army) and Corps Sergeant Major followed of course by
the ‘Headline Act,’ HRH The Duchess of Gloucester.
We then went back to the main building at the NMA to meet and chat to people over a very enjoyable finger buffet. Sadly, my
thoughts turned to those I’d hoped to see at the event who were either very poorly or had passed away over the past year or so. Steve Holdsworth, Ray Norris, Tab Abbott and David Parkinson come to my mind, I’m sure there are others but I would love to have had the chance to meet up with the above one more time.
The Duchess came around and spoke
to a fair number of people and was clearly very knowledgeable and interested in the Corps and its history. She said a few words of support to whole room and was roundly given ‘3 Cheers’ in return!
This then allowed for a less formal opportunity to mingle and speak with people I hadn’t seen for a number of years and also meet some of the current Serving Members. A really enjoyable afternoon ended but with the evening dinner to look forward to a few hours rest back at the hotel was the order of the day. I think we actually went to the bar though, my memory is a little blurry!!
A minibus arrived promptly to take us back to the NMA and on advice from the Regimental Secretary to ensure we got a seat, we arrived too early for the staff
awaiting us but they kindly opened up for us! The evening do was an excellent
opportunity for the Serving Members to let their hair down. The Chief Dental Officer (Army) said a few words thanking everyone for their support throughout the day and then an excellent meal was served by the ever helpful NMA staff followed by an opportunity to have a bit of dance – mostly taken up by the younger attendees!
Hugh Craig, you will be relieved to hear, had recovered from his earlier fall but on medical advice was told he really ought to stay away from the dance floor. He mainly adhered to the advice given!
It was an excellent couple of days; I was especially pleased at the numbers attending given the short notice of the event, obviously due to potential pandemic restrictions. I’d have loved to have seen a few more old faces there but I appreciate it isn’t so easy to take time away from busy lives and personal commitments. Hopefully there will be other events, including the Museum Tour, where
I will bump into a few others in the coming months!

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