Page 123 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 123
Complete change of the RRU’s lineup
‘Out with the old, in with the new’. The Regional Rehabilitation Centre Colchester (RRU Col) say goodbye to QMSI Jackson, Sgt (SI) Caine and Sgt (SI) Beattie and
welcome QMSI Burt, Sgt (SI) N Attree closely followed by Sgt (SI) A Attree, family feuds at the ready.
QMSI Burt’s biggest priority was to upscale the gymnasium which he has done with great effect. The upscaling means that not only is RRU Col keeping up with standardisation it is also capable of delivering a higher level of rehabilitation.
Recently the RRU has gained an additional 12 Wattbikes allowing the implementation of the Wattbike into the 3-week course at the RRU. Prior to the delivery of Wattbike training all RRU staff were taken through CPD on the Wattbike carried out by Gary Mason during which all aspects of bikes were covered.
At the start of the course the patients are put through the Sub- max ramp test, A3 assessment to determine current fitness levels then they start the 13-week Wattbike programme which will be continued at the PCRFs. By utilizing the Wattbike patients can improve their CV whilst addressing their injuries without any contra- indications. The Watt bike is instrumental in aiding recovery and maintaining and improving injured personnel’s fitness levels.
The RRU has recently developed and implemented a circuit-based session encompassing the new Physical Employment Standards (PES). The session consists of education on the new PES as well
as exercises to replicate the individual tests but in a regressed manner which are adapted to cater for the patient’s needs.
As we all know the Soldier Conditioning Review (SCR) and Role Fitness Test - Soldier (RFT-S) are there to provide an indication of overall physical conditioning across all the components of fitness. This gives the patients an insight into the future physical requirements of the Army. The lesson gives the patients an insight in to how they can tailor their training and focus on all the components of fitness.
New bikes on show featuring Maj Short and WO2 (QMSI) Burt