Page 127 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 127
A/WO2 (QMSI) M Bird RAPTC and Sgt (SI) C Ward RAPTC
The RRU has had another busy but rewarding year, providing eleven courses of high quality Exercise Rehabilitation to patients with MSKIs. Course development has been at the forefront of the RRU’s priorities and with careful and continual planning the team has risen to the challenges; working hard to ensure the best care is provided.
Another area of focus this year was the Level 2 Healthcare Governance and Assurance Visit (HGAV), a critical element to the overall role of the department. The HGAV took a great deal of time to prepare for, which was a real test especially with the team still fairly new. At the current time the department was also moving onto a new eCAF system, as well as going through the MODNET migration, which felt a bit chaotic at times. In Jun 18 the RRU staff was informed that the OC was being deployed to Estonia on OP CABRIT for 5 months, this was an unusual situation for an RRU to find itself in. However, this did not deter the team’s focus and determination in getting the task done. On 24 Sep 18 the RRU received a well-deserved report of substantial assurance from the HGAV team, stating the staffs drive and commitment to maintain and deliver a professional service to its patients in the absence of its OC was outstanding.
Overall another amazing year in Germany. Sep 19 will sadly see the closure of British Forces Germany after first being established following the Second World War, an end to an era and the final resting place of RRU Sennelager.
I would personal like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the RRU team, for all your support, dedication and hard work over the last 2 years and wish you and your families all the best for the future.
With the draw down fast approaching and a scheduled leaving date of Aug 19 all but confirmed, these will be the final months of MSKI care provided at PCRF Westfalen Garrison.
Busy but yet rewarding, the 3 ERIs covering Westfalen Garrison have provided the most appropriate, effective and highest level of Exercise Rehabilitation for all the MSKIs across Sennelager,
PCRF Westfalen Garrison, SSgt (SSI) M Llewellyn RAPTC
Paderborn, Bielefeld and Gutersloh. However, this can come as somewhat of a challenge, especially on the German autobahn in a 1.0ltr Clio and experiencing your fair share of mechanical failures, as SSgt Llewellyn found out!
Following the success of Project Lazarus to front line units, the PCRF was keen to implement a similar structure across the AOR. The opportunity to deliver more ERI led classes and implement CPD training to AAPTIs within rehab sessions, has seen more engagement and ownership from the AAPTIs. The success of this has resulted in an increased return of soldiers back to their trade roles.
In Mar 18 the PCRF welcomed its newest member Capt Watson; posted in as OC PCRF. Since settling in Capt Watson has been leading from the front, tackling all the challenges that come with the role. With the last few months on the horizon it goes without saying that the need for “bratties and bier” or “kaffee mit kuchen” will be taken advantage of.
The Staff of RRU Sennelager, OC RRU Maj R Penhallow RAMC, Sgt (SI) B Parker RAPTC, Mr R Rolka, Sgt (SI) S Mutch RAPTC, Mr V Clarke, Mrs B Robb, Mrs A Haken, Mrs C Meakins, WO2 (QMSI) M Bird RAPTC