Page 129 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 129
For many of us, the thought of the festive season ending is an unwelcome one at the best of times, however, for members of the Royal Army Physical Training Corps based here in
Aldershot the New Year could not have come quick enough.
The soldiers and Staff from the Army School of Physical Training were welcomed back in January with a visit to Chamonix, France where they embarked on their annual Adventurous Training package. The skiing package being delivered gave the individuals a chance to build team cohesion and put themselves to the test in some very challenging and demanding conditions (some more challenged then others)! Standards varied across the School Staff, ranging from expert skiers to day one beginners, all of which benefited hugely from the quality instruction given.
From day one the Instructors had their work cut out, taking both the beginners and the more advanced groups out on the slopes. The start of the week allowed the Instructors to teach and refresh some of the fundamental skills the Staff would need when tackling the routes throughout the week. An early test of control, speed and movement on the skis appeared to be the limit for some of the beginners, however after a few hours mastering these fundamentals, the SF1 group were progressing quickly, moving onto the beginner slopes encouraged by the 3-4-year-old skiers tearing past them.
As the week went on all the groups were constantly put into stretch as they moved up onto the more advanced Blue and Red slopes, even the instructors found themselves the wrong way up from time to time, which gave the groups plenty to laugh and joke about. As
ASPT Ski Team
Sgt (SI) K Bowling RAPTC
During the “down” time between the delivery of the AAPTI courses, the ASPT had the honour of hosting the first ever 4 Royal Military Police (RMP) boxing event held within Fox Gymnasium. The event was organised and hosted by SSgt (SSI) S Turner; it attracted not only great feedback from its attendees, but created great media coverage on BFBS Radio and articles in the Soldier Magazine. We have to question if the media attention was due to the work of SSgt (SSI) S Turner RAPTC, or the fact former WBO Middleweight Champion Steve Collins was coaching 4 RMP boxing team!!
The ASPT are about to undergo some important changes within the ‘top corridor’ as we bid farewell to WO1 (Corps SM) M Arthur RAPTC and welcome the first ever female appointed Corps SM WO1 R McKenzie RAPTC.
After 2 exceptional years as Commanding Officer of the ASPT we bid an emotional farewell to Lt Col (MAA) R Gilbey RAPTC as he hosts his very last AAPTI and RAPTCI Pass off parade on 22nd March 2019, before welcoming the new Commanding Officer, Lt Col (MAA) GC Hendrickson MBE RAPTC.
Left to right: Capt (MAA) Davison, Lt Col (CO) Gilbey, SSgt (SSI) Murray, WO1 (SMI) Hayley
the week went on the weather conditions improved hugely and provided the team with amazing views across the French Alps.
With the week coming to an end, members of the school staff proved that even the most challenging of slopes were no match for them as they all tackled what the routes had to offer and were awarded Ski Foundation Level 1 and some of the advanced members being awarded Ski Foundation Level 2.
All in all, this was a fantastic week for both the experienced skiers and the novices. A special mention should be awarded to SSgt (SSI) Carl McMullen RAPTC who organised the trip from start to finish putting extra effort into the finer details which resulted in an extremely enjoyable and rewarding week.
AAPTI Passoff