Page 130 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 130
As I take a moment to pause and consider how to begin this year’s submission, I realise how close I am to the end of my tenure and how quickly it has all gone!
We are all passing through and nothing lasts forever, however as I reflect on the post I feel thankful to have been given the opportunity to represent the Soldier cohort first and foremost but furthermore, to be given the freedom to both influence and understand the inner workings of HQ RAPTC / ASPT and the wider Army SM command network. These exposures have taught me that change is our only real constant and to optimise outputs and remain current, we must be forward leaning and constantly striving to continually improve the organisation. The significant changes we have seen of late serve as no better example of this and as a result our reputation is rich across Defence.
The ASPT continues to go from strength to strength and I am proud to be part of the team. The instructors are of the highest quality and all departments work tirelessly to ensure the very best instructors, coaches and mentors leave the gates upon qualification. The ASPT is a Centre of Excellence and as such, it is always looking for the next line of instructors to lead our students. I urge those who strive for excellence and enjoy the technical aspect of our role to put themselves forward to be considered for future employment at the school.
Having the freedom to conduct many visits over the last year, I have witnessed the outstanding work of our Soldiers and learnt first-hand about the challenges they face. I feel humbled by their significant achievements, across a broad spectrum, which evidences the clear talent that lies amongst our ranks; it will be this talent that one day takes our Corps forwards. I actively encourage Soldiers reading this entry, to educate yourselves appropriately, support the RAPTC mission with verve and move yourself into a position where you can add value and influence on a larger scale. Please own this responsibility as it very much sits with you.
The Corps SM with AAPTI Course 57 Top Student LCpl Bowden 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment
Sgt (SI) R Blake presented the Corps SM Coin at RM Lympstone
The Corps SM visiting the Team at ITC Catterick
We have a thriving RAPTC WOs’ & Sgts’ Mess and I urge all members to continue to set the right example by supporting both Mess functions and Association Branch Dinners. Your support of our retired colleagues at their Branch Dinners is crucial. They really appreciate it when serving personnel are in their midst; they are the same people we are, so do your best to support.
In closing, I offer my sincere thanks to the RAPTCIs who continue to both positively drive the significant change programme which we are undertaking, whilst contributing to our unique culture and ethos – it has been both an honour and privilege to represent you.
WO1 (Corps SM) M Arthur RAPTC