Page 134 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 134
SSgt (SSI) M Francis RAPTC
The 2018 Inter-Collegiate Games between RMAS and the Dutch Officer Academy, KMA Breda took place at RMAS between 16-18 Nov 18. The competition is an iconic event within the RMAS FOE as it integrates UK and Dutch OCdts, whilst allowing an element of competitive edge. The event and entire weekend was a resounding success, over 200 OCdts competed in 10 different sporting events, and also included a large scale dinner in Windsor organised by the PT Wing, which was attended by Brig WSC Wright OBE, Comd RMAS Gp.
The games consisted of 10 different sports, 5 were integrated (Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Hockey and Rugby) whilst 5 sports were non-integrated. The table shows the non-integrated sports and overall results of the games.
The overall results highlight the hard work, courage and commitment from all RMAS OCdts, both in this competition, and in their approach to physical training on the Commissioning Course. After months of preparation, the PT Wing raised the bar considerably for next year, where we will be hosted by the Dutch Officer Academy.
Inter-Collegiate Games Winner
The Inter-Collegiate Games winning trophy was presented to OCdt Parsons (Falkland Coy) by Comd RMAS Gp and Col J (Joost) Doense commander of KMA Breda.
Speed March (Females)
Speed March (Males)
Super Teams
Total points
Final Position
Time: 28.11
Time: 23.22
Points: 115
Time: 31.09
Time: 22.43
Time: 30.10
Time: 25.45
Points: 79
Time: 35.07
Time: 25.47
SSgt (SSI) A Wilson RAPTC
The Biannual RMAS boxing show was held on the 26 Nov 18, within Montgomery Gymnasium. The honour of being the OIC fell to SSgt (SSI) Wilson RAPTC with the overarching responsibility resting with WO1 (SMI) Newton RAPTC and Maj (MAA) Semple RAPTC. The RMAS Boxing show is a prestigious event and firmly stands out within the calendar as New and Old College battle for victory. Naturally, many of the Officer Cadets (OCdts) have seen the Rocky films and more recently the rise of professional Boxing, so there was no surprise that we had over 100 volunteers to “lace up the gloves” and stand under the lights.
Standing between the OCdts and their 6 minutes of glory was Sgt (SI) Longden and Sgt (SI) Crossett, with their stringent training programme, utilising a fine balance of skills and strength and conditioning, whilst utilising cognitive resilience and robustness. As a result, the OCdts were very well prepared to represent themselves and their Colleges, in front of the Principal Guest, the Rt Hon Mr Gavin Williamson, Secretary of State for Defence, who was accompanied by RMAS Comdt Maj Gen PAE Nanson CBE and Comd RMAS Gp Brig WSC Wright OBE.
Once the talking had been done, and the training complete, it was time for the lights to be firmly focused on the Boxers. 10 bouts were scheduled for the evening including two female bouts, with Regimental Boxing belts being awarded to those who were victorious. The level of Boxing demonstrated was a credit to the coaching staff who’d placed many hours of work and dedication to deliver the best possible results. No Boxing event is complete without the occasional “Haymaker” punch, and the evening did not fail to disappoint, there were clear displays of courage,
determination, discipline, mixed in with a desire never to give up, making some of the bouts a true spectacle.
The overall winners on the evening were New College, however, the true victories gained throughout the night were not in the ring or that of either College, but the OCdts, RMAS and the sport of Boxing.